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Hey all, I have been reading on the net alot obout people using Zote soap or Ivory. Has anyone actuallt trid this?? Also I am looking for any good tips that you guys can send me, now that we are out and about on Utah lake (minus my explorer of course) I need help as this is my first year fishinf for kitties. Any and all help is appreciated!

Are they using it for bait?
Ok, will stick with the fresher baits! any and all comments appreciated, I am still a newbie.
In all my years, I have never heard of using soap as a bait......

I have used *cough WD-40 (wont do that ever again) and sprinkled garlic powder on my worms, but SOAP| !!!!! What the HE!!

One word... GOO
[Tongue] [#505000]Rvanman2000 swears by the WD-40, but I think he's a little bit of a nut.[/#505000][#505000] [Tongue][/#505000]
I wont use the WD, just due to thae fact it's a pollutnat.

"I appollogize God to the pigmies for my spelling and such... Amen" -Larry The Cable Guy
I have heard of using Ivory(where I grew up we used all kinds of things for bait - even canned Lima beans work) soap, but as TD mentioned, the fresher cut baits seem more productive more often. Depending upon the habitate of the fish, sometimes stinkbaits are more effective - but, I have not noticed that being the case at UL - I have had better results with fresh stuff there - like minnows, crawlers, carp, etc. at least for the channel cats - the muds like the smelly stuff equally and if you use it there, you will likely hook more muds than channels.

Also another thing - is that the catfish feed in the entire water column whereas the bulls are more likely to key on the bottom stuff, so that may be something else to consider when choosing a offering and where or how to present it.

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