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Utah Lake w/ my daughter
Friday I picked up my daughter in Provo and Saturday took her with me down to Utah Lake. Fished my spot over on the east side, near the airport. There were a couple open spots in the reeds so we got set up and cast out. I waded out with my knife and cut some casting and retrieval lanes in the tulles so that the fishing would be a bit easier for her and then we sat back and relaxed. I guess we got there around eight thirty or so and wound up leaving at about four thirty. We fished only nightcrawlers but caught tons of fish on em. I had just cast out Kasey's line and was getting mine ready when she hollered, "Dad I'm getting a bite!!" I ran over from my spot and sure enough, her pole was bent and the line was straight out from the shore. I had her pick it up, tightened her drag and had her reel it in. There were a couple anxious moments when the fish got into the reeds I had cut but she muscled it through and when it finally got up, it was about a twenty inch channel.... 3 lbs or so. By far, the biggest fish she's ever caught. [cool] Not too bad for a start to her day.... Anyway, it seemed like every time I went back to my spot, she was getting another bite so I showed her how to tighten the drag knob on the front of her reel, and told her that she was going to be on her own for a few minutes... by this time, the score fishwise was five for her, and none for me. She also wound up with the only channel. I finally got my spot opened up and started fishing but I was getting nothing. Her spot was a lot more open so I asked her if I could come over and have her teach me how to catch fish... being the blatantly honest and up front child that she is, of course she said, "Sure Dad, come over and I'll show you how to do it." [blush] So, I VERY humbly moved all my gear over to where she was and set up next to her... receiving instruction the whole time... [Smile] Anyway, i started getting into the mud cats and together we wound up catching about ten fish before the action slowed down and we were only picking up the occasional mudcat. I had my two mutts with me and they were pretty good all day, except for the one occasion when these people doing some navigation race or something came by and my big dog decided to go on a run with them down the dike by the airport. Boy was he ever busted when he got back...and by the way he came back, he knew.... must have been the expression on my face because I thought I'd really lost him.... [mad] Boy I was torqued. But then I took one look at my fishing buddy reeling in ANOTHER fish and I had to laugh. She flat kicked my butt yesterday. We finally decided to move down to another spot and see what we could catch and the fishing picked up a little. I started catching a few more fish and Kasey was still going strong. We wound up catching about twenty five fish or so, with Kasey getting the only channel cat. The rest were all muds. We did keep ten of the mudcats and the channel for dinner. When we left, a thunderstorm and the dreaded W were moving in so it was a good time to go. This is the first time in a long time that Kasey and I have gotten to fish, so it was an awesome bonding trip for us and she seemed to have a great time. The dogs were good, loved the water of course, and crashed hard on the way home. Anyway, thought about coming down to Lincoln Beach or LBH to see if I could meet any of you but decided to go to the "reliable" spot with her just because I knew I could get her on fish there... I also wasn't quite sure what the pet restrictions are at LB and LBH. Maybe next time I'll have to bring her by... it was one of my prouder moments.... first time I've actually enjoyed being outfished by anyone and I couldn't have picked a better person to do it.... [Wink]

I had my boy out Friday at LBH.. didn't catch a thing. But as always we had a good time.
I did go by myself Saturday while the boy went swimming with my longtime friends daughters. Thats when I got my ticket.. I was using his pole.... My son latter told me he cursed me. No one is to use his pole so that's why I got the ticket...LOL

I have both my sons today (Sunday) and im itching to go out, but Cory (Curse Boy) got a sunburn yesterday swimming, so I don't think it's gonna happen.

Latter tonight im going to my sisters to do some fireworks and some serious BBQ'n. YUMMY!

That whole day you had with your daughter is the days I look forward too with my boys.

Latter bro,
Thats awesome. There is nothing I love more than fishing with the kids. Especially my daughter. Maybe it's just because she is the youngest (7) but theres nothing funnier than watching her yank in a fish on her tweety pole.
Good on ya Dad! Keep it up.[Smile]
[cool]Awesome report, RiverRat77. Time with the little girl is great anyway, but out on the water with her is priceless. Can't wait till my little 15 month old is big enough to teach how to fish. I figure another year and a half or two.

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