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What is your way to catch carp!!!!!!!!!!!!
[crazy] I got same berkly carp bait I have not tried it yet and i was wondering if it worked. I wanted to try and catch one. If you use anything else i'll see if it works here.[laugh]
Howdy sailfish4me

I am not sure about the berkley stuff. I've never used it. But I do fish for carp quite often. I make my own concoctions which contains a variety of different components depending on where and when I am fishing. I also enjoy fly fishing for them and have tied up several flies that work. Here's a couple of photos of Carp from last year - both in the 9 lb. range.

Here's one on a home made fly - kind of a buggy nymph looking thing.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=14927;]

And here's one on some home made dough bait.

[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=14928;]

The ingredients will depend on where you live and what is available to the carp. But, it can be anything from blended fruits or extracts, seeds or other sweeteners or spices mixed in the dough. Local legal mattters need to be taken into consideration when creating the mixure.
I've been going to try fishing for Carp more this year. The local rivers are actually quite speedy, and I was going to try out the small, slow current ponds off of the main rivers. I know there should be carp in there, I just haven't targeted them before. I know among all else, canned corn works pretty good. I'm just not sure if the carp in this particular river I fish hold in the deeper areas, the shallow edges, or the small sloughs or ponds off of the main river. It's going to take a little trial and error to find them.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#ff4040]This year it's going to be with a bow. I have also caught them with jigs on light tackle...that was fun! I would also like to try to catch one with a fly rod. Hopefully I can smack a few with the bow and have enough catfish bait for awhile.[cool][/#ff4040][/font]
i have caught them on doughballs in hair rigs, crickets,minnows,jigs,small crawdads,shrimp,a whole lot of homemade baits and doughs, the easiest is with worms find them when the sun is out watch for them running in the water by there wakes and cast in front of them with a worm2ft of line weight and a cork bobber,. look for them when the river floods at the edge of the bank or in feilds that are flooded or grassy flooded areas.
Where the carp lie depends on the time of year and the body of water, so there are some rules of thumb. But you are right, there will be some search and destroy kind of missions to your favorite waters to directly observe the fish.

Here's a couple of "Rules of thumbs", look for them in the shallow and/or slow moving water first. They like weeds for the plant material and bugs, and they like mud for the worms.

Canned corn does work(where it is legal), but almost everywhere I've fished for carp, Field corn has worked much better. Here in Utah, all corn is illegal so I use different methods.

If you can, make some dough bait using 3 or 4 different kinds of additives and bring them all with you; for example:one with banana, one with strawberry, one with nutmeg or cinnamon, and one with cayenne(flavor the dough so that the flavor is not too strong - rule of thumb:flavor should be about as strong as what a person would tolerate) also, bring some field corn.

(I have a few other secret ingredients, but that would be for a PM and after you've told me what has worked in your area. If one thing works, it is likely and predictable that another thing will be killer.)

If chumming is legal in your area, there are some definite methods to employ that work great. But, If you do it wrong, you will catch nothing - and I mean NOTHING!

Anyway, good luck !
Hi there,

Fly fishing. I use flies I tie myself mostly green Marabou in varying colors according to the alge condition and color.

Definitely I just use a common nightcrawler with no weight, or just a fresh slice of bread, break a piece off and mash it really tight onto a worm hook and lob it out there. I have caught them right off the surface as well as off the bottom in this way.

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