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Batterson Pond Last Weekend
I made it to Batterson Pond in Farmington last weekend. I was shore fishing from the State Boat Launch side. Like most of my other trips there, I had low luck, but this was my best trip there. I managed to catch a Painted Turtle (11", I returned it). I also caught a 8" Sun/Panfish. I released that as well. I used NIghtcrawlers and Shiners. I did not have any luck at all with the Shiners. I got a negative report from another angler who had been boat fishing with Shiners. I wittnessed several other anglerspop in for a little while and leave after a short time of not getting any bites. I would also comment that the parking lot seems to be a haeven for suspicious activity as well, however the FPD are patrolling it, and they are very respectful to those of use who are there for legitimate reasons.
Two hits and two fish, awhole lot better than Tom and myself. The fishing tables in Bassmaster said sat was a 75% day. Seems like you can't prove it to us CT boys. When the tables say a 35% day it must be hot.[Wink] If your fishing at a ramp you get an idea how the days going to be real quick. Good place to hand out some BFT cards.
Not enough anglers come throug to make that worthwhile.

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