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Report from Rivers End Tackle

STRIPED BASS- The Connecticut River hasn't been the place to be this
past week. Its still high and muddy. The reports from up north have not
been too promising, at best we still have a few days to go before it
clears up. The bunker have moved out of the River, the herring are still
here. What bass we're lacking in the River are being made up for in the
Race and Plum Gut. Drifting with bucktails and diamond jigging has been
paying off big time. Most of the action has been days. East Rip has had
some good bass on eels and bucktails. The squid have been strong in the
Eastern Sound up through Rhode Island and beyond. Watch Hill and its
surrounding reefs have been good.Theres been some on and off worm hatches
in the RI ponds with some good weather conditions for them coming up
after todays storms.
The shore fishing from the Connecticut to the Thames Rivers has been on
the slow side. The only action on the DEP Piers has been on worms.
Napatree Point has some schoolies on the bay side.

BLUEFISH- They're in the Race and Gut but not that thick yet. Some are
also at Southwest Reef.

FLOUNDER- Few reports this week. Last day of the season is on May 30th

FLUKE- Fluking on this side is picking up slowly. Niantic Bay had a
good start to the week with some mixed sizes of fluke bot no doormats
reported. Montauk has had a mixture with shorts dominating the catch.
Greenport has a bigger size mix than Montauk. It appears that the doormat
migration has passed Mattituck and Fishers Island. The best strategy
seems to stay on the front edge of the migration.

PORGIES- Season opens in Connecticut on June 1st. We had a few reports
of jumbo porgies being caught in Peconic Bay and RI on fluke rigs. The
NY season opens on July 1st.

BLACKFISH- Season is closed until June 15th.

BLUE CRABS- Its still too early but theres some optimism for a good
season. Chesapeake Bay is having an early and good start to the crab
season. One of the best runs in a few years. Give it a few weeks.

CAUTION------- Theres a lot of debris in the Connecticut River and
Long Island Sound -- BE CAREFUL.

HOURS- This week we'll be open Monday through Friday from 6am to 7pm.
Weekends from 5am to 5pm. Memorial Day we'll be open from 5am to 3pm.

Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
UPDATE------ STRIPED BASS------MAY 28th, 2006-- I hate to keep sending
out Email but I think this one is worthwhile. The Connecticut River has
turned on. Each year we get a run of 25" to 45" bass moving into the
extreme end of the River. They're generally here from mid-May to early
June. The action is generally on top, takes place early and late in the
day, preferably on the outgoing tide. All the factors are lining up for
the next week. I'm afraid that by the time the report comes out next
Friday some good fishing will be mixed.

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