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New Fishing Club in Utah Forming
Here in the Salt Lake City area we are forming a new fishing club. We are calling it "Desert Mountains Bass Club". Our club is aimed to be more family friendly and female friendly than the current clubs. We will be associated with both BASS and FLW, but you do not have to be a member of either to belong to the club. The only requirements are that you are close enough to SLC to participate, and you want to go fishing and have fun. I know it is an aggressive goal, but we want to have 50% of the club minority and/or female.

We are also going to have a kids division of the club too. Anyone interested in attending our first meeting and/or checking us out, email me at, or nomoose at We are trying to set up our first meeting for next month to get set up for next year. Spread the word and you can go to our web site (still pretty Sad and under construction) of

Barry McCormick
Hi Barry, nice looking site, its comming along fine.

I saw you havent chose a forum yet, You may want to condider using as your forum.

you can either link directly to our utah board, and your members will be impressed with the number of members already using these boards.

here is the link you would want to use,

[url ";"][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][size 1][#0000ff]Utah Fishing[/#0000ff][/url][/size][/font]
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When your club gets growing we can set you up with your own on our club bord located here where you can have a direct link to your club board.

here is the link to our club secton..

[url ";"][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][size 1][#0000ff]Fishing Clubs[/#0000ff][/url][/size][/font]

[#ffffff][size 1][url ""][/url];[/size][/#ffffff][url ";"][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][white][size 1][/url][/size][/white][/font]

Finding an active forum will help give your club a jump start.

unfortunatly we dont realy support other sites with comptitive forums. We do allow other sites to directly link to and use our forums. We also have other sister fishing forum sites if you want to look them over to see if those better suit your needs, just send me a privet message and I will supply you with the links to those forums.

Good luck, and be sure to keep us up on whats going on in your club, "dinners, events, prize catches, ect....."
hey, its great to see a new club starting in utah! your site looks great and i look forward to seeing it mature. be sure to be active on the utah board as well... there are many there who would love to join a quality club. and keep linking to bft- this really is the dominate forum here in utah! welcome aboard!

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