11-19-2006, 11:27 AM
17th, 2006
STRIPED BASS- The local reports have been slow on larger bass. Earlier
in the week there was some bass on eels at Long Sand Shoal but there
haven't been any reports the last few days. Schoolies have been pretty
good in the Connecticut River mouth and the entire Thames River. The DEP
Piers have been doing good with worms. The word from the Rhode Island
beaches has been very slow even with schoolies, Montauk has schoolies
and I've had an unconfirmedreport of some gannets and herring there.
BLUEFISH- No reports this week.
BLACKFISH- Its still going good. Hatchetts has been slow but Black
Point and the mouth of the Thames have been very good.
BONEFISH- We have a few openings on one of our February, 2007 trips to
Acklins Island. Call me if you'd like to find out more.
HOURS- Monday -Friday 8am to 6pm
Saturday 6am to 5pm
Sunday 6am to 4pm
We will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Have a safe and happy holiday.
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, CT 06475
17th, 2006
STRIPED BASS- The local reports have been slow on larger bass. Earlier
in the week there was some bass on eels at Long Sand Shoal but there
haven't been any reports the last few days. Schoolies have been pretty
good in the Connecticut River mouth and the entire Thames River. The DEP
Piers have been doing good with worms. The word from the Rhode Island
beaches has been very slow even with schoolies, Montauk has schoolies
and I've had an unconfirmedreport of some gannets and herring there.
BLUEFISH- No reports this week.
BLACKFISH- Its still going good. Hatchetts has been slow but Black
Point and the mouth of the Thames have been very good.
BONEFISH- We have a few openings on one of our February, 2007 trips to
Acklins Island. Call me if you'd like to find out more.
HOURS- Monday -Friday 8am to 6pm
Saturday 6am to 5pm
Sunday 6am to 4pm
We will be closed on Thanksgiving Day. Have a safe and happy holiday.
Rivers End Tackle
440 Boston Post Road
Old Saybrook, CT 06475