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[font "Arial"][red][size 3]Lunkerhunter2, Trophyhunter407 and myself headed up to Swim Beach to help LH2 land a mack for the BFT ice tournament. We marked a ton of fish, had a few bites. Unfortunately the 3 of us were unable to hook up. About mid day a giant pressure ridge in the ice opened up. I am sure LH2 will give his opinion on that.[blush] [/size][/red][/font]
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[font "Arial"][red][size 3]Next to elk hunting, mack fishing the Gorge is the most frustrating activity I participate in. But we had a great day, the weather was amazing. There was only 5 other people in the area and they all had the same reports. [/size][/red][/font]
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It sounds like LH2 should stay off the ice with luck he had this year with the ice.
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I think i might have sharted!! It was an awesome day except the catching.
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[font "Arial"][red][size 3]It was great to finally meet LH2. I foresee fishing with him again! I hope to hit the Gorge a few times in the next month. It is also sure nice to have a snowmobile too![/size][/red][/font]
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Sorry you guys didnt hookup. Better luck next time.
Some days the doo's do, some days the doo's dont do.
Thats Mackin'
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should have been hear last week lmfao sorry thay were all sore lipped it will be like that the rest of the yr with all them dang machine's booing the fish and every lure in sport'sman under there nose's better luck next time Fish
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]I believe you're catching some crap, Rob! LOL![/size][/black][/font]
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[blush][font "Arial"][red][size 3]I have to admit I have had some fun on the Gorge, but I am still a novice by far. Ash I absolutely druel over what you do post on BFT, let alone the stuff you keep quiet. I am learning alot more about custom swim baits. I hope to hit the Gorge alot more this year. I cant believe how finicky these fish are all of the time, but if it was easy everyone would try to catch them.[/size][/red][/font]
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you know i was surprised at how un-finicky the mac's were up there.. we cought them on about every color we tryed.. i did notice however the the color would change from day to day so finding the hot color did make a diffrance..
i think it has alot more to do with finding fresh fish that are feeding more than anything.
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I think knowing wear to fish is key a lot of the guy's go out look around and say hell let's try hear that's not all way's key ya the mac do move a ton and thay have there haunt's but being in the spot sure as heck help's we fished a spot we all caught fish but I was on the top of a nole and the fish seemed to be in that spot mostly I got bit after bit and stuck a couple the next day that spot suxed and it was down the lake another 1/4 mile on the other end of the ridge .Ron you were luck to hit fresh fish know you will see how FINICKY these fish really are thay are being pounded and it make's it tuff for eny one even the master's haveing the spot and puting that jig in the right spot at the right time I think is key then all ya got too do is rip there head's of when you see and feel that slight little tap FISH
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Fresh fish are a gigantic bonus. It's hard to catch fish that have been hit on hard and cooked, especially on the weekends. You may have a better chance in the middle of the week when the pressure has been off them for a few days. But most guys that really know their stuff can get cooked fish to strike. That separates the men from the boys. Can someone pass me a lollipop![/size][/black][/font]
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I will pass you two lol when the heck are you boy's coming up ?
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Fresh fish are a gigantic bonus. It's hard to catch fish that have been hit on hard and cooked, especially on the weekends. You may have a better chance in the middle of the week when the pressure has been off them for a few days. But most guys that really know their stuff can get cooked fish to strike. That separates the men from the boys. Can someone pass me a lollipop![/size][/black][/font] [/reply]
[font "Arial"][red][size 3]I had no problem finding fish on Monday but between 3 novices fishing and fighting bad presentation and the obvious pressure Swim got over the weekend they were extremely tight lipped. As for the lollipop comment, I will take a box of them![/size][/red][/font]
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Why, we're following the hordes this weekend! IFG can't get off during the week.[/size][/black][/font]
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weekend worrires that sux's oh well I'am sure you can still stick a few just beat the crowd to that hot spot and take some crown i will visit if ya got some crown lol good luck FISH