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went to yuba again today just to see if i could not catch a perch.. lol.. just kidding. went to the dam end this time. about the same fishing loads of perch all over.. no rainbows today at all.. fished from 14 feet to 45feet.. the perch are holding in 30 to 40 feet of water and not moveing out of that.. so if you want to try for something other than perch try 0 to 25 or 45 to what ever.. lol
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You sure did walk a long way from where you parked. I drove by about 1:30 and saw you out there. Did you try by the dam? There were very few holes drilled. Maybe I'll drill a few tomorrow afternoon. Fish lake or Mill Meadow on Thursday.
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where did you see me at on yuba? i was not far from my truck at all.. i was however not parked at the state park..
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That must not have been you then. Someone was straight across the lake from the state park, to the south.
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So did you catch some perch on your trip?
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yep that was me! but still i don't think i got more than 200 yards from my truck.. lol. there is a road that go's right down to the beach there.. if you have a 4x4 it's no problm but if not then i would not even try!!
now the road i was on today that's another story! i got to with in 1/4 of the lake and had to walk the rest of the way..
did not catch one perch today!
but see pic i did catch 1 true slime rockit [sly]
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That's what I was hoping to catch. There is no way anyone is going to beat you in the fishing contest. I was under the impression that you couldn't drive on the roads on the south side of Yuba. I usually put my tube in by the bridge and kick all the way over there. I caught a northern this fall that went about 30". What a blast. They are definitely benefiting from the perch explosion. I talked to a guy in the fall that said he had what he thought was a northern hit a slimer that he was reeling in. Those fish are a blast. Are they any good to eat?
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nice sharp tooth! man you must be retired or just one lucky.
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that fish was 4 days of work! but no more fishing for me for a while got to go back to St. Louis tomorrow.. [unsure]
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Congrats on the pike fuzzy one . You did great this year on the ice .[cool]
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Another nice one congratulations to ya.
I wish you would of went back to ST.Louis a week ago. LOL, just kiddin.
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lol well i would have never thought that i was going to have all of january off..
and with this year like the first year i was in the ice fishing thing.. some of the lakes i know how to fish iced up.. helps when ya got some kind of idea on where and what to fish with.. [sly]
don't count me done just yet tho this job's only 7 to 10 day's.. might be right back on it.. and then i'll be looking for big splake!
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Wow Ron, the contest has become who is going to finish second.[cool]
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That laundry-like sound you hear is everyone throwing in their towels. Way to go, Ron!! Why don't you go to Pineview when you get back from St. Louis, catch your tiger muskie and call it good!!
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you know i tryed that once this year. we could not get on the lake that day and ended up back at ut lake catching white bass.. [unsure]
it's long drive for me and i would think i would have to put more than 1 day in trying for a tiger. took 4 day's for the pike. bait is another thing at pineview..can't use 6" minnows [sly]. big fish like big bait!
so i'm thinking a big splake would be easyer and closer for me to hunt.. Joe's Valley and Fishlake are only 2 hr from here and both have some nice splake in them..
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Very nice fish there.
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Congrats on a superb two weeks of fishing, and for thanks for sharing some mouth watering photos of the macs and the pike. Good luck in tagging a porky splake.