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fished the rock cliff arm from 9am to 2pm. fished in 36 feet of water, lake is down from last year. caught perch, bows and a few chubs. the rainbow were not that much bigger than the perch so they are still swimming. used spoons and jigging ralapas caught the perch within the bottom three feet near trees and shrubs they would rise up to hit the lure no bottom hugger this time. better over all size this year but not the numbers of last could be that this spot was in 50 feet of water last year. looks like i will be going farther down the arm to find deep water and take the 4-wheeler.
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That's some good lookin' dinner you've got there!
Way to go!
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how deep of water were you in this year, (how much lower is the lake). And do you have to hike out a ways to get to that deapth? Thanks
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really nice looking catch, good job and I like the idea of including the tape measure, gives much more realistic perspective. Thanks.
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36 feet water, i would say the lake is 14 feet down from last year(glad to see deer creek up , should have a good perch spawn there also). i didnt measure the distance but i would guess it about three quaters of a mile. next time i will take the 4 wheeler to try spot farther out.
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So the ice is plenty safe for a 4-wheeler, then?