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i'm headed to fish lake in 2 weeks for 4 days of fishing. first time fishing through the ice at fl. has anyone been done there lately, if so any info would be greatly appreciated. i'd love to whack a mack!
I was there last Sunday. I'll send a pm.
I'll also be up there for Presidents Day weekend - I hope that it won't be too crowded. I'll be staying in LOA and trying to hit Fish Lake, Mill Meadow and Otter before the weekend is done (3 days). If anyone wants to keep in contact and we could keep each other updated on the fishing in different parts of the lake that would be sweet. I just bought my first gas powered auger and wouldn't mind helping out with a few holes especially if I could get a ride to the east side of Fish Lake by snowmobile or 4wheeler. I have only fished Fish Lake once - fished the west side and caught tons of little perch and splake and a few bows. Didn't get any macs there but have caught a few ice fishing up in Wyoming. If anyone has any magic places for macs at Fish Lake, PM me!
I am leaving in about an hour to fish lake and I will return Sunday. I wil post as soon as I return.
Long story short, I am headed there in early June for a family gathering. And was wondering do the perch have any size to them down there. Last time i fished that lake and we caught an perch they were just a bunch of dinks. But than again I have never targeted them [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 2]specifically[/size][/black][/font].
The perch in fish lake tend to be small. It would be alot of work to fillet enough for a good meal. It would be a good place to take the kids if you just wanted them to have fun catching alot of fish. gshorthair
there are some nice perch in fish lake.. you just have to weed through some smaller ones to get to them.. the good thing about catching perch at fish lake is most the time your in shalow water so relesing the fish is not a problem..and the perch are great bait for most all the other fish in there..

here is one i cought last year up at fishlake.. see pic
Nice fuzzy,
When you are down there do you just tip jigs with perch meat?
yeah most the time i'm fishing fish lake i use perch to tip my jig's. there are times when cut or whole chub and cut sucker meat work just as good tho..
Can't wait for Monday!! The weather looks to be phenomenal - there! Lows in the 20's and highs in the 40's. I'll do my Slush Monster dance and keep it away. May even do some night fishing if the w*** doesn't come up, but that usually starts in the early afternoon. Anxious to try my Maniac Cut'r lures with a chunk of perch or TubeDude's minnows/chubs.
Perch there are quite small as there are far too many of them. Please keep all that you catch. If all people would do this, we would have a chance of getting some better size there, and allowing more forage for the trout (rainbows and splake don't tend to eat the perch). That lake is really getting overrun with the perch. You can drop two hooks on just outside the weed bed and catch two perch with nearly every cast.

So has anyone been on the ice at Mill Meadow recently? How is it? How big are the fish? Are there many fish there?
So...Hawkez' report says there isn't much snow at all over the weekend. Maybe I did my slush dance too well! I would like a little for our snowmobiles!!
I'll try to report in on Thursday. Can't promise any pix but I'll have my son help me and maybe some of my buddies have mastered the computer end of things better than myself.

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