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Government Fisheries Education NO CHANGE!!!
After the accident (See End of the Line), I did some research. I Googled 'fish hook safety'. Apparently in Australia it is a Government recomendation to remove fish hooks from fishing poles in transit or place them in a hook safety cover.

My Google research uncovered a hook safety cover called 'hooksafe'. In Australia 'hooksafe' is endorsed and recommended by the Government and is used as a angler education resource in schools.

After seeing the injuries sustained to my family by uncovered hooks, I searched hooksafe here on the Bigfish site I was delighted to find that Bigfish tackle sell hooksafes. Thank you Bigfish.

I urge all anglers to use hooksafe covers. I never thought I would be recommending such a gadget. But things change. They are actually not a bad thing. I use them to store tracrers and cover squid jig barbs in the boat. Best thing is, the kids love to use them and the wife has even agreed to come fishing again.

Every Fisheries department should be using these as a education resource for kids and promote a message on them. No I take that back. Government are not that smart over here. Some things never change.
The hook safe is a great idea! Thanks for promoting its use on here!
I have a habit of just hooking the hook and tossing it in the truck.. But lately I've tried to remind myself to remove all hooks and put themin a tackle box when I'm done.. Maybe it's just that I'm getting better at tieing knots Smile
I also enjoy the hook safe. I keep a few handy at all times especially when I'm running from lake to lake.[cool]
save old wine corks, they work as a good cheap alternative.
If you are crafty enough, you can make some killer poppers from the wine corks too.

One of my favorite corks is from the 73' St Michelle Chateau Brignon. It seems to have a shape of it's own and works really well.[cool]

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