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Deer Creek
I hit the lake this morning the water temp was 57 at 5:30 and a lite wind....

I hit a spot and in a short time I had six bass from 11" to 14" and went looking for more, found some in 20' + water and by the time the wind blow me off at 11:30 I had boated 9 walleyes and a bunch of bass the biggest bass was 18" and the eyes was from 18 to 27" and two browns over 18", all was caught on MOJO drop shots weights 1/4 to 3/8oz and MOJO rock hoppers 3/8oz some came on Maniac's and some on ROBO's I ran out of Maniac's....

What lake to hit tomorrow????

Except for the W_ _ _, sounds like a great day on the water! Ya just never know what kind of mixed bag you're gonna get when drop-shotting! It's the closest thing to using bait, without actually using it! Such a deadly technique! How much did that 27" 'eye weigh?
Just a guess maybe 3 1/2 to 4 at most....

Hey Cliff,

Nice outing! So, Deer Creek has both smallies and large mouth, right? Which were yours? How about the 18 incher?

Did you eat the "eyes?" If not, you could leave 'em with me... I live about 2 miles from the inlet. :O)
Now all you need is a camera.
The biggest LM was about 17 1/2" the 18" was a smalle I caught 4 LM that day...

And yes the eyes tasted great....[cool][cool]

All the other fish was let go for another day fishing fun....
Hook I did have my camera but when your alone and it rocken and rolling its hard to get the shot...
Sounds like a nice day on the water. I'm dying to know a little about your dropshot techniques. I've read numerous of your posts, and you seem to have pretty good luck most of the time wherever you go. I personally can't seem to get the knack of it. My wife and I spent many days last season trying power minnows, senkos, curly tails, nose hooked 3" drop shot worms, etc, a foot or so off the bottom, and had very limited success. I've tried dead sticking it, the lift & drop all the way back to the boat, the slow twitch every now and again, but mostly to no avail.

Any constructive advise or suggestions that may be helpful will be be greatly appreciated. Everyone I talk too says drop shotting is the "Cat's Meow" when targeting quality fish, and I'm not ready to give up yet.


Most of drop shoting is knowing what a bite is and having the right rod and line, its hard to tell with out having a rod in hand to show what I'm trying to say.....
I show how to drop shot at the ISC show and boat shows each year and at other places when ask, maybe we can meet at Jordanelle some time and I can try to show you what I can I tend to be there alot ....

I know this hasn't helped but its hard to tell you on here...
Send me a PM and we will try to help...


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