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Bass in an aquarium
I saw a video today that shows a largemouth bass in an aquarium being fed a live mouse. I thought it was illegal to keep gamefish as a pet. Here is a link to the video. Is it legal to raise fish like perch and crappie in a home aquarium.
You can try it if you like, the DWR is always looking for hefty money donations a.k.a. Highly illegal without the proper paperwork.
I dont see why its illegal, but in some cases I would agree that it should be.

A friend I had back in '85 he had caught a small mudcat when the Jordan River was flooded.

He kept it in a 5 gallon bucket. We fed it live suckers, it loved suckers! I tried to feed it other things like worms but suckers were its favorite, it was only 3 inches long too!

In fact if I ever get the money I want an aquarium. But I wont under any circumstances keep a gamefish species as a pet.

I would rather though, have shiners. Chubs too, they are pretty to me.
Yea it is highly illegal like Fish4fun05 said. But with the proper paperwork you can have them. I think I would rather have them out in a pond than in a tank in the living room.

HAHA that'd be so awesome. Thanks for the post! Does anyone know what kinda licence is required to have trout in a personal pond/lake. I understand that there are some environmental requirements of such a pond to sustain healthy trout. What does the state require though?

You can buy bass trout and many other fish from fish farms some in Utah and other states and most will have the paper work that it takes....


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