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Pictures, Photos, Signature and Avatar Guidelines and Help
[size 2]Hello Members,
Because of recent changes at BigFishtackle.Com the importance of using photo's and images of the correct size is more important then ever.
We are working hard to automate that process but have made some changes to assist you in posting the correct size photos.

Photo and Image Guidelines:
Avatar Max width: 120
Signature File Max Width: 468
Photograph and pictures within posts Max Width: 468

Because some of you may not be familiar with resizing photo's we have made steps to simplify this process.

Important: All image editing methods listed below require you to be logged in but will create perfect size images for use in the forum.

Avatars: The photo gallery at effective 5-21-07 will not produce thumbnails the exact size you need for an avatar.

Follow the steps below to create the perfect size avatar from any image.

1. Go to [/size][url ""][#0000ff][size 2][/size][/#0000ff][/url][size 2]

2. Click "upload photo's" located in the center top right section below the header.

If you leave all the settings default and just locate the picture on your hard drive by clicking "browse" and locating the picture on your hard drive the picture will post to your gallery.

3. Click "Upload/Submit"

4. Preview your image, if everything looks o.k. click "Process".

5. After clicking process you will see the image you uploaded in a thumbnail view. By "right" clicking your mouse you will see an option for "save image as", click that and save the picture to your desktop.

6. This is the image you will use when you "edit profile" and add your custom avatar.

Signature File Max Width: 468 - If you would like an image in your signature file the steps below will create a perfect size image.

Do steps 1 through 4 above.

5. Click the image thumbnail. A bigger version of that image will open (note if you click this image again it will open the full size image which is to big).

6. After clicking process you will see the image you uploaded in a thumbnail view. By "right" clicking your mouse you will see an option for "save image as", click that and save the picture to your desktop.

7. This is the image you will use when you "edit profile" and add your custom signature image..

Photograph and pictures within posts Max Width: 468 - Perfect pictures for fish reports or other photo's or images in your actual posts.

Do steps 1 through 5 above.

6. Put your mouse to the right of the image, hold the mouse down and drag it across the image. The image should highlight. Let go of the mouse and right click on the image, click "copy" in your list of chioces.

7. Go to the post you want the image in and left click where you want the image, "right click" and select paste. Your image should appear in the post. Be advised you must be in the advanced editor in the forums.

We hope these guidelines help and encourage other members to reply to this post with other feedback on how to utilize this tools to post proper size photos and images.[/size]

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Founder of Elite SEO Consulting

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