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Black dots
Well I had a great day on the water. I caught my first decent sized smallmouth (probably tiny for many of you all, ie 2 pounds) and then another and more and more. My friend and I were pulling feathers through the shallows and it was like magic. A local filleted the fishes and I cooked, but I couldn't help noticing black dots in the meat that are perhaps parasites? The fish is tasty regardless but I am wondering if it is safe to eat them again (although I do not regularly kill smallmouth)

Still leftovers if anyone wants . . .

The black dots you noticed were the result of a primary immune response which took place in the bass' bodies. Essentially, when specific parasitic pathogen entered the smallmouths' systems their little bodies attacked via calcium deposition. No need to worry though, from what I hear people eat meat like that regardless and if the bass appeared healthy than you should be fine. As for eating black-dotted meat's really up to you, I know I wouldn't though.

I was fishing a private lake in michigan several years ago for gills and crappie and we filled a 5 gallon bucket with em. Every single one had the black spots all in the meat and they said they were a type of parasite that wouldnt hurt you if eaten. I ate them with no problem. Now I was fishing for rockbass in tennessee and when I was cleaning them they had long thin red worms in "pockets" in the meat. I didnt eat those even though I hate to kill a fish and not eat it.

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