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Deer Creek
Hit Deer Creek yesterday. The moon phase is perfect. Anyways got over to my usuall spot to find a guy over there using crawfish he had caught for bait to catch bass. he had a stringer of over 15 bass. One that was over twelve inches. I was furious. He spoke no english, I told him I was calling the fish cops. He immediately stopped fishing and left. I'm not putting up with that shit. Then I saw two others doing the same thing. Had 30 plus bass on the stringer. I have to get the rangers number for up there. There is a lot of poaching going on. Including some folks pulling 30 fish out and hiding them in there cars. Besides that had a good day throwing 3 inch smoke and purple senkos. Caught some nice 12-14 inchers and lost 2 nice lmb that would have pushed 16 or 17 inches.
That is definately way overboard. Who needs to keep 30 fish. Hell I can't even catch that many in one outing. I would say something to DWR.
After hearing about this I think I will be adding DWR's # to my phone. I hate peice of sh*t poachers[mad]...

[size 3]Hers the # if anyone else wants to add it to there phone!![cool][/size]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]Poaching hotline: 1-800-662-DEER[/size]
Call us toll-free to report poaching violations. Your report can remain confidential if you wish. Most wireless phone users can now dial *DEER to report wildlife crimes toll free.
good looking out I added it too.
It's people like that who ruin the fishing waters in Utah. It makes me sick to see such selfishness and disregard for law.
Keep in mind that the poaching hotline number is printed on the front and back of ones fishing license. If you have your license and you have a cell phone, you can make the call.
See this is what I am talking about. Screw the people that don't know how to obey the law and make them pay and pay big. As all the bass fisherman know here in Utah we don't have a whole lot of good lake's to fish, so when some jack A$$ decides to keep ten, twenty and thirty fish that BS. I am have no problem with people eating fish, hell my wife and I just got done eating some red snapper I caught in Florida this June, but keeping that many bass come on that's ridiculous. If someone really wants to keep a bunch of fish head to your nearest trout lake because DWR will just restock it for you in a matter of months.[size 2][/size]
yeah i work at sportsmans so i called them for the number. i got the utah county office it was closed on sunday. But i have the right number directly to the deer creek state park office. Next time some people are going to paying some big fines.
911 will work or the number for the Wasacth County Sherrif dispatch is 435-654-1411. they will dispatch the Park Rangerfor you. I have used it a couple times.
I wouldnt recommend 911 for reporting a poacher, you might end up tying up the disbatch in a real emergency. I think a life would be more important then a few fish....granted that is worst case but do you really want to be that guy?[crazy]

Hey i know what you are etalking about and know how you feel!![mad] I have beeen fishing for Bass steadily the last few months and it seems everytime i go there is someone keeping LMB uo to 4lbs .I have seen this one guy there all the time and he keeps everything he catches. Makes me sick when this happens .[mad]
I was once told by a Conservation Officer that if I couldn't get a response, to call 911 cause they have the same diapatch. It was not my idea.
I wouldnt recommend 911 for reporting a poacher, you might end up tying up the disbatch in a real emergency. I think a life would be more important then a few fish....granted that is worst case but do you really want to be that guy?[crazy]

FF462 [/reply]

[#505000]Being in law enforcement I would recommend using it if you don't have the DWR number handy. Anytime there is a crime in progress 911 is VERY appropriate. The only time it is not is to simply ask questions, or for delayed reports of crimes (someone broke into my car while I was fishing would be a delayed report.).[/#505000]
[#505000]There are some idiots who call 911 to get weather reports and what not, but most normal citizens are afraid to use it even when they should. If you call in a "poaching in progress", and there is an injury accident going on at the same time it only takes a second to answer the phone, and if there is a life threatening emergency going on you may get put on hold after finding out what is being reported. [/#505000]
[#505000]So [/#505000][#505000]to anyone in any aspect of your lives if you see any crime in progress it is wholly appropriate to dial the 911.[/#505000][#505000] Don't fear the 911...[/#505000]

[#505000]Also Macscabin is right they are the same dispatchers so business line or 911 you are tying up the same people. Just don't use the 911 if it's not a crime in progress. [cool][/#505000]

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