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seen a add it this weeks Sanpete Messenger:
request for bid..
the castle travel region scenic byways committee is seeking a contractor to construct a boat ramp at mammoth (huntington)reservoir on the manti la sal national must be completed before october 15 2007.. the project consists of construction of boat ramp and improving access to the boat ramp location.. there is more but that is the meat of it.. sounds like there will be a boat ramp there by oct.15 2007..
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I hope they still limit the horsepower on it to 9.9 or 15 or so.
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing. Then I retired. Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.
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Hey Ron,
How are You doing these days?? Thanks for the report, A Boat ramp would be great. I dont want to carry the boat anymore lol. [crazy]
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hey mememe long time no hear from.. i'm doing better now that i got that job in Puerto Rico done. [mad] 4 week of sand, surf, and bikini's can get to guy ya know! [sly]..
i'm looking forword to a brake so i can get some fishing in tho.. still trying to work out where my next trip might be headed tho..
i hear ya, on not wanting to cerry the boat down at huntington.. i hope they will let me put my big boat in tho.. it's alot more comfy than my small alum.. [sly]
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I've carried a few small boats onto the lake there but would rather not. I don't think I will be going there any more often because of this new ramp but it is good to know if I do go, I won't be hurting my back, hauling all the stuff down to the water. I agree though, it should be an artificial fly and lure only lake plus wakeless speed only.
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I just don't want to see a great lake ruined , I think a wakeless speed would be the perfect answer for this lake!
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ruin the lake with a boat ramp and improved parking and access to the lake?
i think you are crying wolf a little to fast.. the only time huntington realy gets hit hard is at first ice.. and a boat ramp is not going to make much of a diffrence there..
huntington is a put and take lake. one of the DWR's blue ribben fish eatting lakes. why try and make it more than what it is.. sure there are some 3 to 4 lbs fish in there but not a lake you are going to see realy big fish come out of.. or very many of them that size ether..
i dont see a boat ramp makeing that much of a difrence on this lake one way or the other.. water however will make alot more difrence to this lake than a boat ramp will.. it's low now and getting lower by the day. that is what wil ruin the lake if anything does anytime soon..
now if i can just talk them into putting a ramp on clevaland. there would be 3 lakes around here with ramps.. and with the gooseberry nearows bracking ground soon. things might be looking up, up there.. [sly]
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I just remember the good days at Huntington when not many knew about it, it was so much better then. Gooseberry narrows, is that the one up by fairview lakes? We have a cabin up there and we heard about the lake being put in, do you have any more info on it?
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lol i hear ya my friend.. i rember the good old day's at huntington as well but in them day's it was called johnson's and dryed up every year.. and about the only thing that was in there for fish was some cutt.s comeing down from the river and a bunch of chub..
it's not been that long ago that the mammoth was found and the lake expanded.. after that is when the lake finley started being a good fishing lake..
now if ya realy want to get mad about someting going on up there right now look into the paveing of sky line drive.. that's kind-a ticking me off..
all i know about the gooseberry narrows is that there was a bid Request this spring in the Messenger for a contractor to construct the dam... i bleve that it was going to be a 3 to 5 year project..