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Weber in the snow
Hit the Weber at Mountain Green around 1pm hoping it wouldn't snow that far down. I was wrong the drizzle turned over to snow[unsure]. Only had 90 minutes to fish before I had to head back to pick up my son. That was long enough, the wind must have picked up to 30 mph gusts and it felt very cold. Caught about 6 between some browns, cutts and a whitie. Nothing big, 12-16 inch range. Someone else was just walking down the tracks to go fish as I was returning to the car. Crazy flyfisherman[crazy]. If whoever that was in that silver dodge truck reads this why don't you let us know who you did. I guess only 9 months left to summer.
I was not the one in the silver truck but I fished that area (private property, with permission, up from that white bridge).
I got there about 6:30 am. Wind was blowing like crazy, but I had one of the best days on the weber for a long time. 16+ fish..Cutt's, Bows, Whites, and a few Browns. One brown was huge...loved it.
I fished mostly with a BHHE and a Crotch Cricket (red). Most everything was tanken on the Crotch Cricket. About an hour before I left I pulled out the ultra light rod and threw a few Blue Fox spinners and landed nothing but Cutts with them.
Weather sucked, but I did not care one bit....and neither did the fish.
I left the river and was home by 10:30am
[black][size 3]Congrats on a great day on the Weber. [/size][/black]
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[size 3]Is that Crotch Cricket tied with bright red wool body, with a small elk hair wing?[/size]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]How did you fish it?[/size]
At 6:30 it was still quite warm out, I assume you got done before the cold and snow hit. Let me tell ya it made me miss summer big time. My hands actually warmed up every time I put them into the river. What's a crotch cricket? Never heard of that fly. Do you tie your own or purchase it somewhere?
Yeah, when I started it was warmer than when I finished. I didn't think of taking my gloves this morning. My hands were pretty cold.

The Crotch Cricket is a nymph that James had when Hooked was still open. I have had a ton of success with them on multiple rivers. I don't have a photo of one, but it is similar to a Serendipity. It is tied with longer Elk Hair instead of the short white stuff. I nymph it behind a Bead Head Hares Ear....usually. Or something else as an attractor.
I am sure if you send a pm to "HFT", the mod on the fly board, he might have a good photo of one as well as the instructions for tying it.
I do tie a lot of my own flys.....but its all by feel. I look at a fly...then grab my stuff and duplicate it. Trying to put it into words for you and using the right terms wouldnt be easy. There was a time I could name everything and spout off hook sizes, etc. I've lost a lot of that...I do pretty much everything by sight.
crotch cricket pic.
tie on size 14 2x long hook
red dmc floss twisted . I like deer hair for the wing because it is varagated in color more
Thanks, James. As usual you are right on top of things here.
I'll have to tie a few of these and give them a try.
I have found flies like these to work best in the spring for me.
I mean red nymphs. What's your take on it?
I really like red in late fall as snow is starting to fly. red serendipity,red brassies,red disco midge a red collar on Prince nymphs and hare's ears. in Spring Chartreuse is my color disco's, caddis larva etc.
With all of the pretty girls that you used to have working for you, I thought you were a straight guy. What the heck is chartruese?
It is all about color coordination sheesh! Cartreuse is yellow-green, bright.

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