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its monday morning october 1st
If you are reading this, I am sure you are as pissed off as I am,

as of 9pm last night all of michigans state parks have shut down. I have never seen opening day of deer season shut down before....

this means any fishing hole, hunting spot that has a gate on it, you will find it locked down this morning.... Normaly all gates to all hunting locations would be left unlocked tonight...

maybe on the next election, republicans will put forward a decent candidate for the governers office... for that matter lets start thinking about the state senent and congress too...
saw on the news this morning that bay city residents had to travel up the zilwalkie bridge to cross the river .
because there was nobody to man the drawbridges they had to leave the bridges in the upright positions for freighter traffic .

I'm sending you a P.M. , "Hunting "
I saw that before I finaly fell asleep waiting for them to get off thier lunch break... "last call for alcohal" 1.30 in the morning, what I didnt hear was about the fairy boats. if they were still running across harsons island and others around the state.

needless to say I did not get up in time to see if the gates were reopened in time for hunting this morning.

makes me wonder if they didnt sign them selves in a raise in all this crap... Alls I can say is they better not get a raise untill after 2016... as proof that they got it under controll,

I found it quite odd that not a one of them had to give up state owned vehicals, gas cards, travel expencess, vacation pay, cuts in retirment and medical benifits,
[size 1]I loved how the big three audo makers got up crying about combined they were going to have to pay 100 million in the new tax, this is of corse after our governer gave them each 400 million in tax breaks last december.... man I can never get them kind of deals, for every 4 dollars they got they have to give back one....[mad]

I told every one we would end up having to pay for them tax breaks,,, sure didnt take long before she come a knockin on our doors....[unsure] only 10 months... she had been giving out tax breaks to major industry over the last 6 years like giving out suckers in an easter day perade. [/size]
Inoticed that everything that was scheduled to be shut down was the things that people used the most.

If they shut down all the stuff we didn't need , who would care ?

Jenny shure has put on a few pounds since she took office , must be nice living off the pork !
ya, that from all them 1000 a plate campain fund raising dinners being paid for by our tax dollars...

now we have bush suporters trying to say who we are going to vote for in the next election, clinton and gulliany... thats a bunch of crap if ya ask me, I dont know any one in their right minds who would vote for either of them... why on earth are they trying to ram the worst two posible candidates down our thoughts, I am getting sick and tired of it? they think because some corporation and lobbiest gives her money that is the will of the people,, that is nothing but crap, its only hipe to sway voters in to thinking they only have two posible winning choices....

answer, for bush suporters its a win win sittuation, they get four more years of screwed up econnomy or they get clinton for a couple terms then they get the bush twins for 4 terms..... them girls are just a couple terms away from being eligable to run for office, and with clinton paving the way for women in the white house it an open door... look at george, he came from an economicly failed state of texas, and did the same thing with this country as he did in texas as governer.... Like nobody saw that comming....

dont get me wrong, I think a woman in the white house would be great, just not a person who had their privalage to pratice law revoked in any state due to criminal activity.... Both clintons privalage to pratice law was revoked in Arkansas.

It seems funny to me that I never heard any one changing the election rules to who ever raises the most money automaticly win the election, I thought that was susposed to be up to the voters to decide. [crazy]

maybe people are no smarter than turkeys, if one jumps off a political cliff every one else has to jump off with them.... we got bush and regon for 5 terms... and an airplain scheem president for 2 terms.... this country just cant afford any more of this crap....

Look at all the infirier product comming in to our market from across the borders, if we made that slopy product here in this country we would be fired. last night another recall of toys with lead in them was anounced over the news, and guess what, the toys had been in the country now and in the hands of our children for years....

you probably saw the government is hunting down aliens last night on the news, several mcdonalds had lost all thier employees, some due to being arested and others are due to employees running off in the middle of the night.... Well duh... [crazy]

we had a regon two bushes and a clinton who allowed the ileagle aliens in to begin with. even the second bush had one working on his ranch... till he changed the federal law where he could keep her....
Yep , one of our chineese resturants lost all ther employees to the I.N.S.
Lost there business to the health department .
seagulls in the freeser , that duck did taste a little different [Tongue] !

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