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Idaho fish and game report from the web site
Anglers are pulling 30-inch fish from Chesterfield Reservoir, and the fishing in Daniels Reservoir is good, they aren’t as big but there are lots of fish.

30" fish out of Chesterfield? Looking like a typo to me.
If that is true I will be watching the ice formation like a hawk. Heck if there are any 22" trout in there I will be there early this winter.

30 inches may be a bit of a stretch, but I wouldn't doubt there are some getting close. Last winter my brother caught a 24-25 incher through the ice.
It could be possible but I think a 30" fish from Chesterfield is an exaggeration or a fish that lived in a tributary and then entered Chesterfield when it began to refill after the 2004 irrigation season. June in 2005 was when the first trout were planted after Chesterfield was drained. Chesterfield has phenomenal growth rate but 30" for a 4 year old rainbow sounds difficult for me to believe.
Brian, I know that 30" in 4 years sounds impossible but think of Great Lakes trout and salmon. Kings grow to 40" and 25lbs in just 4 years.!! If you feed them, they will grow.

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