04-11-2003, 11:02 PM
[mad] No , I did'nt get my license this year ! Did any of you get yours, let us know how you did ? GOOD LUCK!!!!
Turkey time
04-11-2003, 11:02 PM
[mad] No , I did'nt get my license this year ! Did any of you get yours, let us know how you did ? GOOD LUCK!!!!
Flagmanonice---------------- [signature]
04-22-2003, 03:33 AM
i used to put in for them year after year , then i moved up here into the sticks . i had to take the split rail fence down in front of my house because they would perch on it every day for hours and leave there droppins everywhere ! if you have been on a island where see-gulls nest , well thats what my front yard started to look like and smell like . it wasn't pretty at all .
i will say one thing , there better than a butter ball , but our licence fees just arn't worth going after them anymore . i think from the application fees and then the purchase price here in michigan it works out to be around twenty two bucks . heck , thats almost double what a deer tag costs ! better luck next year , or in the fall , we have two hunting seasons here . what about you guys ? [signature]
04-22-2003, 03:16 PM
We have two seasons too, but the spring one is the one I like, cause of calling !! And yes ,they are excellent table fair. We always steak out the breast, then put a (steak ) turkey, onions, salt and pepper, and a slab of butter, wrap it in tin foil and throw it on the fire at camp !!!!! no raised turkey can touch the taste !
Flagmanonice--------------May you cluck like a hen, and shoot like a man !!!! [signature]
04-22-2003, 08:46 PM
that camp recipe sounds great ! i like the way they taste too ! even overcooked there still juicy , and the flavor !!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea , just great !
[signature] |
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