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Scofields Ice Tournament (29th)
[cool] Did it happen ??
Any successes ??
Anyone with pixs ???
I spent my day at the dreaded workplace. Believe me,
I'd rather been on the ice [sly][sly][sly]
I was there with a buddy and some family. 7 of us in all. We caught 16 total.

1st place was a 5 pounder and last place (5th) was 2 pounds 5 oz.

Our biggest was a 2 pound 4oz. that my nephew caught so he just barely missed last place by 1 oz!!!!!
It was 12 below and a little windy but not bad. They had just under 200 people enter.

I'll try and put up some pics later
Here my version...

It was ZERO degrees on my rear view mirrow at 7 am. It was windy at the summit on the drive up but the lake was beautiful with partly cloud sky's and a occational lttle breeze but nothing worth complaining about - I should know - I was fishing with my wife [unsure]

Sign up went pretty smooth and we were out on the lake at our spot by 7:30. It started out a little slow but soon caught several slimers. The fishing dropped off by 10 but I still caught had a few after that.

My biggest fish held fifth place until 5 mins before the end of the tournament at 2 lbs. 5 oz. @ 17 3/4" - fourth place was also 2 lbs. 5 oz but 18 1/4 inches. Then a guy came in with two fish at 3 lbs 8 oz. (largest of the tournament) and 2 lb. 9 oz. (tied for 4th)

What was interesting was the largest fish was a cut-throat that looks like a standard Strawberry slot fish. This was the only cut-throat at the weigh-in that I saw.

There were a couple nice tigers that weighed in but none were in the $$.

So un-e-fish-o-ly my fish place 7th.

It was a great time and enjoyed the great turn out and appreciate the effort of the DWR personal.

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