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yuba perchathon (late post)
The Yuba perchathon was a great success. I hope it will become a tradition. Fist off I couldnt get my ice auger to start and for the first time this season I didnt bring the hand auger. As I was trying to start it and I am sure cursing a bit under my breath Jacksonman offered help. Thanks Jacksonman for bailing me out. I would also like to thank Pikeman and his bride for the great grub. I was mistakenly identified as Mrs. Iceprincess in an earlier post. Just givin ya crap Pikeman[Wink] The little iceprincess was thrilled with her prizes and is anxious to go out on the ice again. Her new pole is now her newest prized possesion. After all that is what its all about. Getting the little ones interested in our sport. Thank you also Oceans for considering the younger ones with hot dogs. I believe I am rambling but even though we didnt get a ton of fish it was a great day with great people and we have at least one new person hooked on fishing. Great job to all those that cooked and organized. I cant recall all the names but was fun. Lets do it again
It was good to meet you and the family guess a lot of us had a bad fishing day but the fish fry more than made up for it. I had the same problem with my auger till Geezer gave me a hand.My son loved his rod he got there and he even caught the only perch of the day for us an 11 incher. its great that your family had a great time there especially your little princess its great to see them young ones have a great time.[Image: fish-on.gif]

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