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Looking for deal on 07 Super Fat Cat
Hi again , i'm thinking about getting a second fat cat to have around to introduce a few fishing buddies to float tubing. ( Hate to put my "friends" in my old donut tube and then kick circles around them.[Wink]). This sport really is allot more fun when you have a few buds along. As part of my logic/justification, I'm thinking it might be nice to try a Super Fat Cat this time , just so I can compare/ have options.
I have found good deals on 07 Fat Cats for $225 shipped but have yet to find a Super Fat Cat below $320 shipped. For the $95 difference, I'll stay with a FC but if I could find a SFC for $275 delivered or so, I might bite. I figured i'd ask for leads here before I pulled the trigger.

p.s. I think I actually prefer the 07 vs 08 version. That new basket looks like it would be in the way.

Thanks in advance!
Ok, cabin feaver has got hold of me. I couldn't wait (although it will be 8 weeks before I can use it!). Cabelas has the 07 SFC's in their bargain cave for $300+$17 S/h. ( Color is "willow" only which I suspect is light green.) I cashed in some Cabelas CC points and found a $20 off coupon code and got one out the door for $265. Thats close enough to the FC price of $225 for me to justify.
It's on it's way.
congrats on the purchase.. hope you will post some pics of the new ride tricked out.. and of course of the adventures you have in it.. [Image: fish-on.gif]

MacFly [cool]
I am curious also. Every time I have gone to Cabelas Bargain Cave, the merchandise looks like returns, which leaves me to wonder why a TUBE is returned[crazy]
Hope I am way off on this one. I am still a firm believer, "You get what you pay for".
...I went and checked the deal mentioned here.. and it says new.. sooooooo I dont know for sure.. but I would assume.. even in the bargain cave.. that it would still have full warranty etc...

..also.. the willow color. .is a lighter green..

MacFly [cool]
You know, warranty is a good thing, but to my brother out on the lake when his blew and he lost some gear including a new rod, It just didn't seem to have the same warranty comfort that it should.
I am more into the material and the way a boat is made, but, again, been there, done that.[cool]
Thanks for the feedback.
I've been doing business with Cabelas for 30 years and have been rarely disappointed in a product. When I have, they have made it right immediately. Bargain cave purchases have been no exception and have, for me, always delivered first rate but discontinued products. Form what I see here, I believe it to be a simple case of clearing out last years /non LCS version. I expect this tube to be brand new in box and will accept nothing less at any price. IF it is, it will go back in a heartbeat and I'll buy a discounted 07 FC from another source.
As for rigging it, I will keep it simple as mine is now. My main goal here was to get another top quality tube to share with my non-tubing friends. Tubing is kind of an oddity/rarity here in SE MA /RI. If I'm going to get more of it in this seson, I need to get my regular fishing buddies as "hooked" as I am.
...and now you know why I keep asking so many darn questions all the time.. [sly]

MacFly [Image: fish-on.gif]
[cool][#0000ff]Sounds like you did okay. Don't sweat any quality issues on the SFC. I have been fishing from them for over 5 years and know a bunch of other serious tubers that love them too. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There can be a lot of reasons why one ends up in the bargain cave. it is not ALWAYS a blown out air bladder. I know of several tubes that have been taken out to try and then returned...just taking unfair advantage of Cabelas liberal return policy.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I got my new 2007 model SFC in December, from a "clearing house" operation in Colorado that was selling them on eBay. Got mine for $259 delivered. Also Willow Green. [/#0000ff]
Another satisfied SFC user here. The color of mine is "overcast."


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