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Strawberry or Scofield this sunday
Since i found out i have to work saturday i am going to take my son fishing sunday his request actually it is more of a demand!! [Tongue] So which would be better to take a 9 year old the berry or scofield? I need to get him into some fish so he keeps his interest in ice fishing. We will be walking on the ice.
I am having my taxes done on Saturday, so I'm going to have to go Sunday as well. IMO, Scofield requires less walking to get into fish. I'll be leaving Spanish Fork around 6:30am. If you end up going to Scofield, we should meet up or something.
Less walking sounds great to me ! I think scofield would be better then. What part of scofield are you going to be fishing? I can meet you at spanish fork just tell me where? Mc donalds would be good then i can get breakfast there.
Scofield hands down! Your only likely catch at Strawberry is lowly cutthroats and at Scofield you have rainbows, cutts, and a shot at a real prize, a trophy tiger trout. I think the 'berry is way over rated. The best thing about it is it's close and draws people away from the good places.
You make a good point there! [Wink] But catching them is the trick .I am defintly going to put more time in scofield this spring and summer.Ice fishing is not the best fishing thing i do.[pirate]

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