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Has anyone been up Diamond Fork in the last week? Went to lower Provo Saturday...used bottom bumping nymphs with no success [crazy] shoulda tried midges! dang!
Thought I'd venture up Diamond Fork next...
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[#0000ff]Had a personal conversation recently with someone who dredged some pretty browns from DF on small streamers and buggers. It should still be flowing low and clear, until runoff gets going. Haven't heard about any hatches.[/#0000ff]
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I fished the lower section last week. Only caught 3 fish in 4 hours all browns. 2 of them were real decent size the third was a little 4-5 incher. Water was running perfect and clear still. don't know what the deal with the fish was.
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I last fished it about 2 weeks ago. Water was clear and a bit low. No one else around but fishing was slow. Picked a few up with nymphs and streamers. Took a look at Thistle Creek but it was off color.
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I fished Thistle last week for about an hour with no luck. It's just running to muddy right now. I did stop by DF on my way home but my buddy wanted to head back so we didn't fish. Sounds like it has been pretty slow.
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What I call upper Diamond Fork (the section above three forks) was killed off by the Fish and Game and planted with Cuts. I thought I would go up and catch a few cuts. Well the road is blocked off at three forks (April 18, 2008) so I decided to walk up. The river fished like it was dead. I saw nothing and only caught one brown, yea a brown that was suppose to be dead. No cuts at all. I fished up stream for about a mile which had some nice holes but no luck.
I then fished lower section and it was slow and caught one more. The water was fairly clear for this time of year. I was using a spinner but some guy using worms said it was slow also.
I talked to a guy a couple of weeks earlier and he had fished the river with night crawlers where it connects with Spanish Fork River and he did not have a bite in 4 hours.
This river has a lot of potential as it has nice pull off areas, toilets along the road, a campground and they have put in a bunch of large group sites and it only gets mild pressure.
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The gate above 3 Forks is now open for what it's worth. There are some bonneville cutts that survived but I had to go up 3 miles before I saw any last week. I was just telling TD, as I drop off donated equipment on the weekend, that I was pretty sure the fish barrier on Diamond Fork was not adequate to keep brown trout out during runoff. I've seen browns swim up falls twice that size with ease. Too bad I liked to have seen those cutts do well.
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Surely, the cuts will not take off if none are present. The Fish and Game need to go up and plant some cuts in the first 3 miles or of course the browns will come back. What a waste if that happens.
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The fish are probably moving upstream to spawn this time of year. The problem is without a adequate barrier is that other trout will get up there. Browns will probable predominate and the mongrul cutts will get in and hybridize with the bonnevilles. Rainbows will also eventually get in there as they had extended down 6th water within a couple miles of Diamond Fork last year. They will also hybridize with the bonnevilles. Without a good fish barrier it was a lost cause from the start.
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So, did most of the cutt fry they planted just die in the stream then?
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I'm sure last years drought was hard on the cutts they planted but they aren't all gone. Just have to go upstream a bit before you start finding very many. I posted a pic of one my son caught on the fly fishing forum yesterday. I just doubt all the money and effort was well spent if it ends up mostly browns, hybridized cutts and cutbows in a few years.