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off topic - Stuck blackpowder ball
Sorry about the off topic subject , but I have never been steered wrong at BFT.

I double pached a ball & only got it down as far as t he starter goes (6"). The rifle is charged (54 cal. 80g). Can I safely pop a cap & fire it straight up in the air ( so the powder I against the primer)? Otherwise I'll try compressed air, then the screw jag, then break down & buy the CO2 thing. What do you think of option one?


That is off topic! LOL Can you break it down and push from the back side? If not, I'd try the screw jag and pull it out of there. Definately wouldn't shoot it. You could call a gunsmith, and I'd imagine they'd tell you to bring it in (that might not be a bad idea). Error on the side of caution on this one!

Good luck
Easiest way is to try and pull it out. If your worried about the powder going off while you are working on it just take off the nipple and soak in water for 10 minutes first. The water will go in through the nipple hole. This will make a mess of the powder but it can't go off. After you get the ball out just clean the barrel as normal and you will be fine.
I moved this thread from the General Freshwater fishing board to the Utah Hunting and shooting board for more exposure.
I tried to pull a ball with the screw jag and pulled the brass cap off the rod. Obviously I had a much bigger problem than I started with- so if you go that route make sure to use a modern rod to do the tugging. I would also wet the charge.
I dont know if you have completed this yet but I would also think about using a little WD-40 from both directions. Take out the nipple, insert the WD-40 and let it set. Its simply a fish oil so you should not have any kind of reaction with the powder, Let it soak for a while. This is one of those times that I think if a little is good, More might be better. The WD-40 will sure not hurt it.
[indent]wd40 is extremely flamable - so I would not do that - if it is an inline I would pull the breech plug, dump the powder and drive it out from the rear with a good rod and hammer - if its not an inline your only option is to screw a jag in and pull it out or if it is close enough -drill it out - don't mess up your bore. Wet the powder with water. Definitely don't shoot it! If you are not comfortable with any of that - take it to a gunsmith.

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