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I got a question for everybody who doesn't live in Southern Utah.
Why is it that their is 14,500 deer tags for Northern Utah.
Why is it that southern utah turns into a SL county parade during the deer hunt.
What's so special about southern utah that you feel the need to drive 350 miles when you can bag some nice bucks in your own mountains.
I don't suppose you've watch Doug Miller and noticed all the trophy bucks are from Northern Utah. I guess that was a couple of questions.
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Ever heard of "The greener grass theory"? I haven't hunted for many years, but I bet many folks believe the hunting is better somewhere other than where they live. In addition, it wasn't that many years ago that northern Utah got hit hard with a really tough winter (as long as this drought has been going, it seems like a prior lifetime by now).
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I haven't checked the draw results for this year yet, but in case you didn't notice last year, the word California appears in the address far more times than it should for all areas of Utah.
Even though I live out here in the Uinta Basin, I can understand the need to get out of the city. I worked there for a 1.5 years. I drove from Payson. I mean, would you really want to live there? Would you really want to "hunt in your back yard" if you did? I would imagine that more people travel out of S.L.C. to get out of S.L.C. than go to look for trophy deer. I don't mind if they visit, as long as they eventually go home, and take thier trash with them instead of leaving it on the ground.
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Shhhhhhhh. Let em drive.
and the reason theres way too many tags in the northen region is the same that there is trout in 99% of utahs lakes. Thats what the public wants. The general public lives in northern utah and wants only to hop in the minivan and drive half an hour from home and hope they can get a deer.
Then you have the group who wants to drive thier pick up truck to camp, and ride thier 4 wheeler around the back roads looking for a deer.
But very few people are willing to strap it on and chase down a big deer miles and miles from any road, up cliffs, and down into the nastiest holes.
So we go to southern utah where we can get them out of our mini vans.
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I cant help but wonder if the reason that there is so many tags left for the northeast is because of the cwd I don't know just a thought.
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I was hoping somebody would say for the warm October air. If you haven't check the polls lately so to the the number 1 killer of Americans is obisity. The grass might be greener on the other side but maybe people should look in their own back yards before they trample mine.
I'm sure most people have heard the stories of the caravans of trucks and four wheelers that line up every road. Last year I heard a couple of 100 shots and only seen three bucks taken. I went up their to look for some drops and found more shot and left deer then drops.
The DWR should include in the hunter's education program a ethics program, a shooting test and not the 22 things that a 2 year old kid could do but a high powered rifle. They also need to have programs for each type of hunts so you eliminate those idiots out there swinging a gun and don't have a clue about safe hunting.
If I was a conservation officer I could of filled out one of those books they write tickets with for people shoting out of their trucks or cars. It used to be the California's and Nevada that invaded southern utah now it's SL county. I still see hundreds of out of staters but not like the SL tags.
The last time I checked their was more southern tags but after the hunt their is still 15,000 northern tags. I can understand the need to get away but do it some place else other wise I'll come up and shot those big bucks you all don't know about.
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There are big bucks everywhere in the state. But the southern region and south east region statiscally and practically have more of them. And are easier to hunt since there are more of them. I have hunted the northern section for the last three years because I cant draw a tag. Ill tell you what you can come up and hunt up here if you want. If no deer loud four wheelers and hunter orange poka dots every 300 yards sounds fun its for you. haha. If you dont know a landowner up here or trespass and dont get caught you will have to work harder than I think almost any hunter is willing to work anymore. Last year I logged over 35 miles in two weekends in the west desert. For a total of 3 deer sightings. Though there are some absolute monsteres out there it isnt a crap shoot to get one. The year before I hunted Monte area, not exactly but in the vicinity. Saw lots of deer and not one buck. Hiked over 50 miles in three days. The point yeah deer up here but if i would draw out I would be a southern bird myself. I havent drawn on a hunt in utah in nine years. From a turkey to a anterless to elk to pronghorn. THis will be the last year I ever put in for a hunt in utah. the draw results are ridiculous just to hunt a animal and the general areas are a waste of time in my opinion. awww i have vented enough after finding out i didnt draw again. yeah
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Here's a couple of thoughts.
There are a lot of people that I know who were born in a small southern utah town who now live in the metro area. They all want to go home to the place where their family has hunted for generations.
There is a lot more public land down south, and more "No Tresspassing" signs up north.
And like others have said, the northern herds were hit hard in the winters just before the 5 regions were established.
Besides, unless somebody has changed the boundary, it's still a Utah deer tag. Isn''t it?
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Get your little ticket book ready, because we all drew southern tags and we will be down to shoot "your" deer. I can hardly wait. Get real.
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My friend got a nice 7 by 7 down in southern utah. when i was out i saw a bunch more nice bucks and so why would we want to come up to northern utah with all the pollution. you guys don't have all the good buck!
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Face it, Norther Utah just sucks. I mean all that pollution. how candeer even live up there?
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its real easy to get tags as a non-resident!
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It's also easy to get a tag for the south if you have a lifetime license. WH2
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What are you worried about CWD in northeast utah. I'm sure somebody here has been over to Colorado or Wyoming hunting or maybe gone back east for some white tails.
I spent the last 6 months doing research on CWD and I'll still hunt even if it gets to Southern Utah and it becomes a "eradication zone"
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Can you say 'Tounge in Cheek'?????????? I was joking my lad.