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Pics of where im at
Hey gang, this is where i fish. There is also a pic of my living area, not too messy i think. You can see my honey hole and how easy it is to fish here, Some of those fish are damn big. I titled all the pics to make it easier for ya.
Great pix Zak, keep em coming, I dont care if they are not fishing related either!!! We are collecting all the gear today to ship over to you and the other guys. I will get it out Tomorrow, so look forward to that. From what I hear, we will be collecting enough for just about every soldier over there!!![Wink]
hey TD thanks for that. TS thats awesome, you have no clue how excited we are. im going to put 95% of that stuff on the "any soldiar table" and take a pic, should get a kick out of it. cant wait! thanks again!
[cool][#0000ff]Glad to help with the pics, Bro. Good stuff. Loved the ones of the hordes of "toothless golden walleyes". The clear water is the only clue that it is not Utah Lake.[/#0000ff]
Didnt I see something about them trying to take a lot of the Carp out of UL and ship it to Iraq for the refugee's??? Or was that California? If it was Iraq, from the looks of it, they seem well supplied there!!!
[cool][#0000ff]Iraq is one of the several potential destinations they have discussed for Utah Lake carp. The biggest problem is shipping. Can't find stamps that will stick to those slimy things.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I don't recall the details, but I seem to recall that idea has been shot down.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]It is not just the PCBs either. The US standards are much higher than other nations, so most other places in the world would welcome some buglemouth protein.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Maybe we can ship a large container to Zak. He could open up a corner carp stand and make some extra dinars (Iraqi currency).[/#0000ff]
you should have a TON more pics this weekend.
So, there really is a "any soldier" table. I have been sending an "any soldier" package about 3 times a year addressed to "any soldier" and never knew if it really got there or if I have been getting ripped off. It's nice to know that the stuff I send does actually get there and get to a soldier.
Sounds good to me. I would hate to be the one that opens up that package, especially now, when the temps over there are 115+!!!
[cool][#0000ff]Whassamatta? You don't like "aged" carp? Should be able to charge more. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just serve it up with a good brown wine...and provide gas masks for volume buyers.[/#0000ff]
Brings back sweet memorys. I was there from 2003 to 2004. I was a combat eng.. We lived on the on BIAP. I hope you are enjoying the dust and heat like I did. I think the hottest day was 168. I went fishing in a slew next to our batalian area. I caught catfish/eel looking things. what is your MOS? Have a good time. Keep drinking water!
TD i got your package today and stuck one sticker in a pretty decent area and i will find a way to got a pick with this shirt on!! thanks so much man!!!
[cool][#0000ff]Now, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Gotta question. How far can you drive a carp with a 3 wood?[/#0000ff]
haha! i carry a 3 iron with me when i fish for a whoop ass stick in case i get a hold of one of the big Asp in here
[cool][#0000ff]I don't suppose this kind of "wood" would take care of business.[/#0000ff]
[Image: landing_net.jpg]
TD keep your eye on your mail for the next few weeks. i got something for ya, you have to get the frame for the cedrt though =-p im sure you will get a hell of a kick out of it, and will probably be the ponly guy on your block to have one =-p
[cool][#0000ff]I shall await with bait on my breath...or however that goes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I probably won't be able to sleep at night until I find out what it is. Are you gonna tip off the feds and the narcs so they will bust me when I get it?[/#0000ff]
So hoh man fish will a 50 cal penitrate... hehe
thanks for the pics man. can't wait to see the picture of the gear. I was going to send two poles but was late to a meeting and forgot to grab them out of my garage when I left. I ended up just raiding my tackle box and giving Fishned a bag with some things in it. If we do another shipment I'll be sure to remember the rods.
i hope we can do something like this again i just had a baby and ive missed out on every thing here. if you do it again, LET ME KNOW!!!!!

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