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Stinky Fish!
OK, so we finally got a week of really warm weather and my garbage man comes on Fridays.. I caught fish on Saturday and their remains go in the trash.. Just like the previous weeks.. Only difference.. A little extra heat from the sun and my garage smells like Death!
So, what do you do to keep the stink out in-between The garbage man.. I thought of freezing the remains.. then putting them in there the night before.. Or, just headin' to the hills and donating them to the ecosystem.. Where I fish, doesn't have a cleaning station..
What do you do?
I would go with your first idea and freeze the remains and throw them away when you pull the can to the curb or you could make soup..[crazy]

Throw them in your neighbors can LMFAO![sly][sly]
I had some fish guts in a bag that was stuck to the bottom of my can for two weeks and i finally dug them out and put them in a container that had some residue of chlorine tablets from my pool and that took the smell away..... It is in my garbage awaiting tomorrows pick up..... it was super nasty smelling.... [cool]
[#008000]I put mine in the freezer until the morning of trash pick up - the night before would also work if the trash is picked up early the next day.[/#008000]
My garden maybe small but it holds guts better then my garbage can. Try to bury in the same area all year and then plant their the next spring. Slowly moving across the whole garden that way. Although it got pretty bad when I didn't get some deep enough last year in August.[Image: bobwink.gif]
I also put them in the garden. Just remember to dig the hole deep enough, so your dog doesn't dig them up or attract a skunk,.. or a coon... have had this happen a few times, lets just say it didn't turn out to well,... for the coon or the skunk [sly] heheh... good times!

Rabid Fisher
I mail them to my mother in law.[sly]
Find an un-locked car door in the Wal-Mart parking lot!!! You know what to do from there!!![:p]
[Wink]Comeon J dog we don't need to be stealing cars from Walmart[Wink]

I would freeze them or bury them. I did the same thing last year I even triple bagged them in ziploc freezer bags and it didn't do any good.
I freeze min in a zip lock and put out on trash day.
When I clean fish I save the head, fins, (execpt the dorsal fins on the spiky species) and tails. I boil them up in a pressure cooker and this makes them very soft, it also seperates the meat from the bones. Then, I either give this to my dogs to eat or put it into a compost pot. When its finished the bones make great calcium for plants in the garden. The guts and other parts I either put down the cleaning station or bury them if there isn't one. If I don't clean the fish until I get home I put the other remains in the compost pot too.

You can actually make your own compost pot. Its pretty easy and cheap. They are great for table scraps, fruit/vegetable remains too, basically everything. If you want look at this link:

[url ""][/url]
Never had any trouble with this but what about diggin a hole
and burying the remains.. works for bodies [Image: bobwink.gif]
as others have said I also freeze mine until the night before trash day and then throw it in,
Thanks all for the great suggestions.. You would think I would learn from my big cat fish I got last year.. put him in head and filet-less body.. couple days later I came home from work and my whole street stunk! (It was a big fish).. I had to dig it out with my shovel and several dry heaves later I left it in the remote mountains for mother nature to recycle.. I can still see the green/blue head as it slimed off my shovel...still makes me gag. There is nothing like the smell of Death.

Now, I am generally a lazy guy.. so I will probably see if I can sneak the remains into the freezer w/ out getting caught by my wife and put them in frozen.. Maybe, I will put a couple in the garden too..
But, I did like the neighbors garbage can thing.. My problem is... as soon as they look in their can and see it's fish.. they'll know exactly who it was. I would be surprised if anyone on my street can even tie a hook to the line..

As for this week... It's only 30 hours more till it's the garbage mans problem![:p]
Oh my gosh.....I was laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I could just picture it in my head. Thanks for the good laugh.
I too learned the hard way to make sure you get it deep enough in the garden. Well maybe the neighbor learned it better then me.[Image: bobwink.gif] Anyways don't dig it up. Just add more dirt on top for a couple of weeks. Problem solved without adding lunch to the hole.
So that's how you attract the Bigfoot [laugh]
There seems to be alot of guys here that freeze they're remains in bags. But like Waljustia said, ya gotta hide it from the wifey. Last week my wife was getting ready to make dinner and had layed some "chicken" out from the freezer to thaw out. Luckily I happened to walk by and take a closer look at the "chicken", which happened to be a bag of carp nuggets I had hacked up and supposedly buried in the freezer. Needless to say, I was able to switch things out before we threw any "carp-kabobs" on the grill. I now stack all kinds of tater-tots, and broccoli on my cut bait and just cross my fingers and hope it's enough.

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