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Got to go fishing with my 2 yr old.
Well I was finally able to get both my wife and daughter out fishing today, it was a blast. This is my 2 year olds first trip in the boat and fishing on soft water. I choose Mantua as it is not that big and am almost garuntied to get some fish. We got on the water about 1:45-2:00 and headed out to where I have done ok in my float tube. Got all rigged up and started dropping in about 15-18 feet of water. We go nada nothing zip, so we moved, and moved and moved. Finally we found a little perch in about 6 feet of water but nothing again. After working this area for a while we headed back towards the ram and I saw an are that did not look to weed infested in about 10-12 feet of water and I was marking fish as well. So we dropped here and sat for a while. than I felt the tap tap of the Bluegill on a little jig and it was game on. We ended up putting in 12-15 ok sized gill in the boat, all had there pretty Sunday go to meeting colors on. My daughter had a ball helping reel them in and than scooping them in the net. But I think the highlight of her day was throwing them back in the water she would just giggle. All in all it was an awsome day. Topped it off with a pizza at Tonys in Riverdale and than came home.

Ohh yea the water temp was right around 71 degrees. It felt real nice on the ramp.


PS I know I wasn't in my tube but I was a thinking about it all day long. With the exception the 2 yr old is a little young for the tubes yet.
what a great story.. great pics,.. so it had to be a great day....

I could not think of a better way to spend some time with the family.. and from what you say your daughter had a blast and I am sure that was the best part of the day..

[cool][#0000ff]Good report. You don't have to forfeit your tubing membership YET. As long as there were kids involved. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Glad to see that little lake coming back to life. Much fun there playing with the little fishies. Looks like the youngun had fun.[/#0000ff]
Congrats and it looks like you all had a swell time!! Nice to see the little one involved in fishing. Glad to see that you found some BGs to catch. Bet she was thrilled.
She was. Before we got into the fish she kept telling me I was going to get a big daddy fish and she was going to catch a little baby fish it was awsome.

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