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Wrong Place?
i guess i might have posted a question bout a lure n da wrong place.i was curious 2 no if theirs any1 out there that has tried the True Motion Lure.and what they (U all)think bout it.i posted it n the Freshwater section butt 2 no avail i`ve gotten no response.n while i`m hear what dew ya think bout that nu werm that suppose ta curl up when it sits on da bottom.wood like 2 hear bout it B 4 i spend my hard earned money on it,like i did with da True Motion Lure.da True Motion Lure i like it butt i thought you`d git more than 1 of da hard bodies n da kit.on da tube they show it catchin all kinds of fish....freshwater fish saltwater fish...can`t C it hangin n saltwater.cause i had a 3 to 4 pound Mudfish tear da U no what out of mine.ant 2 crazy bout da soft body 1`s...wont go 2 waste though da wife likes soft body (lure)choice wood B da BASS Assasin.if U fellers ant tried this 1 out your missin out.WARNIN don`t use this lure if u have a week heart R bad back.da HAWGs explode on this 1. oops 4 u out there that don`t no HAWG is what sum of us central florida good ol boyz call a largemouth n if their reel big i`ve heard my Gramps call them Mossy Backs.well i`ll quit bumpin my gums.<br>U all keep reelin`em N......Bsafe!...........C-Ya!............<br><br>
Welcome Chris and thanks for the details. <br><br>I know the Bass Assasins. They are a good lure. The other one I am not sure about and yep, most packaging shows you only the biggest and best fish. It's called "Slick Marketing".<br><br>Where have you been buying those lures, local or from a catalog?<br><br><br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
greetings<br><br>I have seen them carried in my local tackle stores and fisherman are buying them left and right, but to tell you the truth, I don't think they look all that great. I hate to be judgemental about lures, but I tend to get suspicious about lures that show up on late night infomercials and those full page ads in magazines chock full of convincing testimonials.<br><br>I don't know. Gives me a bad vibe and I usually go with my gut. It hasn't steered me wrong very often, but if I happen to run into someone out on the water who has one or is using one, I might ask them to show me how well they work where I can see it with my own eyes. Seeing is always believing but seeing firsthand in natural on the water conditions is a whole other story. If that day comes, I'll post in on these boards so everyone can see. <br><br>Put it this way, it takes a lot of proof and testing to convince me something works as well as it says it does. If ever a doubting thomas, then I suppose I am it.<br><br>i did read your other post on the other board and you said you caught fish with them but tell me honestly, is there any "REAL" difference between them and other worms or is it just because they are different than the average worm and bass haven't become conditioned to them yet? Tough question to answer, but as you have used them, then you have to decide whether or not you like them enough to buy them again, regardless of their soft bodies?<br><br><br><br><br>keep those lines wet <br><br>Daniel C. Nielsen<br>
wassup MJB?...dat True Motion Lure i ordered off of t.v.....<br>da Bass Assassins i git from Wally Werld (wal-mart)....<br>da TML was put out bye da same guy i Blieve that come out with da Flyin Lure....a few of them were n da TML kit.....<br>Bsafe!...........C-Ya!<br><br>
wassup KID?...they have da True Motion Lure on da shelves round your parts?...i`m hard 2 b convinced 2....butt this was`nt on no late night and they had a couple of creditable people on da show....if i ant mistakin 1 was dat Rogers feller.<br>..he`s big tyme fisherman here n FLA.....your loosein me on the rest of your reply....not only was i askin bout True Motion Lure which they have 1 that is a hard body and the rest of the kit is soft body.U have 2 C da kit R watch da show 2 C what i`m talkin bout.Butt there is alsew a Werm out that kurls up as it sits on da bottom.i have`nt tried it....and yea that TML is a good jam up bait....they just need 2 dew sum modifacations 2`s got joints on da tail that let it go back n forth like a reel fish...butt whatever their usein 2 piece them 2gether ant strong i said n another post i only caught 3 fish da first was a bass no bigger than it(6in)da third was a big MUDfish that tore it 2pieces....other than beefin this lure up this is a dam jam up lure.....well my lunch HR is over..........Bsafe!...........C-Ya!...........<br><br>
sorry about the confusion on that one. My apologies. I thought you were talking about the worm.<br><br>As for the rest of your question, you might be able to make the lure stronger yourself, though I would have to see just exactly what you were talking about to make any further suggestions.<br><br>take a good look at it and maybe something will come to you or better yet, write the company that makes the lure and offer some suggestions or point out your concerns. Tackle manufacturers are usually a great bunch of fellows and provided how you word your letter, can be extremely helpful in getting the produt the way you want or need it! Remember that if you are having this problem, odds are someone else is too!<br><br><br><br>keep those lines wet <br><br>Daniel C. Nielsen<br>
not a prob.....thanks 4 da suggestion had`nt thought of that think i`ll give it a shot.....i`ll let ya no my outcome if i git anywhere.....ahhh i found it!....da name of dat werm i was questionin bout its called da WALKin WorM....its put out by NGC Sports.....what i seen on it they dew da moldin a lil cause`s it 2 kurl.....WONT jump on it though till i hear sumpin bout it.....u kin catch me once butt ya wont catch me twice....lucky me i`m not a fish...that once could B it.....<br>butt with all that aside my werm prefference 4 these dark colored lakes i fish here n fla is the Culprit 7.5 in. crawdad color.....i`ve caught my biggest HAWG to date on that 1......<br>flippin style.....11 pounder.......ever seen R heard of a worm that was put out bye Producto Lure? now that was a werm!<br>have`nt seen them now n many moons.....heard da company sold had a round head like a lil snake came n various colors butt it had tiger stripes on it then back at da tail it was like a gator tail(mm-m-mm that sounds delicious)..u could rig this werm up Texas style with no sinker n bring it across da water....looked just like a lil snake....caught my second biggest on dis was like sum1 flushed da cumode....<br>well heck KID here i go bumpin my gums...kinda hard 2 stop when i git goin....i`ll quit borin ya.....Bsafe!...........C-Ya!..........<br><br>
Chris<br><br>Soft tails with tiger stripes do well in many fresh water lakes. I also wonder if you have tried and of the the glow in the dark tails for heavy tannin stained lakes. Either used Texas rig style as you mentioned, or on a lead head for vertical jigging? The other way round works well too. <br><br>Glow head jig and then a tail of your choice.<br><br>Works well down here and can see no reason it would not up your way. <br><br>Either way, it sounds like you came to the right place to get some answers. Good thing your dropped in hey!<br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

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