06-27-2008, 04:10 PM
OLYMPIA - The recreational halibut fishery off the north coast of Washington will reopen for another offshore day to allow anglers to harvest the June portion of the quota, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced today.
<br>The fishery in marine areas 3 and 4 (La Push and Neah Bay) will be open for halibut fishing at all depths from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, June 28.<br>
<br>Enough quota remains in the fishery for another offshore day, said Heather Reed, coastal policy coordinator. To date, anglers have caught the May quota of 79,194 pounds and are now fishing on the 30,798 pounds set aside for June.<br>
<br>"With some of the remaining May quota added to the June set-aside, we were able to add two offshore and two nearshore days earlier in June," Reed said. "There's still enough quota remaining to offer one more offshore day. If sufficient quota remains after the 28th, the fishery will reopen in the nearshore area."<br>
<br>All other marine areas are now closed to halibut fishing except the nearshore fishery in Marine Area 2 (Westport), which is open Fridays and Saturdays, and Marine Area 5 (Sekiu), which is open five days a week, Thursdays through Mondays, through July 21.
<br>The fishery in marine areas 3 and 4 (La Push and Neah Bay) will be open for halibut fishing at all depths from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, June 28.<br>
<br>Enough quota remains in the fishery for another offshore day, said Heather Reed, coastal policy coordinator. To date, anglers have caught the May quota of 79,194 pounds and are now fishing on the 30,798 pounds set aside for June.<br>
<br>"With some of the remaining May quota added to the June set-aside, we were able to add two offshore and two nearshore days earlier in June," Reed said. "There's still enough quota remaining to offer one more offshore day. If sufficient quota remains after the 28th, the fishery will reopen in the nearshore area."<br>
<br>All other marine areas are now closed to halibut fishing except the nearshore fishery in Marine Area 2 (Westport), which is open Fridays and Saturdays, and Marine Area 5 (Sekiu), which is open five days a week, Thursdays through Mondays, through July 21.