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bass lures
Whats ur favorite bass lure, and how do u fish it?[fishin]
I like to fish the plastics.

I can fish them topwater, on the bottom or anywhere inbetween.[cool]
Steve we can't ALL be as good as you! 'Cept maybe the other Mods....Anyway, I prefer topwaters like Buzz Baits and Prop Baits. Buzz Baits are easy becuase all you do is cast out and reel them in, every few rotations I jig the buzz bait and it breaks the bubble trail and I've seen good results. For good measure I put on a trailer hook. Good luck! Also, try some Chatterbait, the Bass love them up here, so I don't see why they wouldn't in your neck of the woods.
depends on what time of the year it is.. summer top water all the way! that is some fun to watch them bass throw that thing up in the air. then hit it again when it lands.. [sly].

cranks for fall and spring..

ruber worm's for the colder months.. so ya can fish them slow!
Senco types most of the times with topwater poppers in the am. Cranks and jerkbaits in colder weather. Or what ever works that day. [Wink]
I would have to say my favorite bass lure, is the black 3/4 oz Jitterbug. I love waking up before the sun is up, and having the boat in the water, just as the sun rises, and watching bass strike the jitterbug in the misty water, what a rush......
It seems to change slightly every year. I don't know if I'm getting better at bass fishing or have to much tackle to fish with. This year I have been hooked on Lake Fork Tackle plastics, zig-zags (ringed senkos) and the new Hyper Worm which is not out yet but it's a killer on the smallies. I like to texas rig them with an 1/8 bullet weight and drag it on the bottom.
I myself am partial to flukes, wacky worms, and deep divin cranks.[fishin]
rooster tails and chatter baits there just fun to use.i like to use them every way possible pop them on bottom,make them dance whatever works.
Like others have said, depends on the time of year and conditions, but i ALWAYS have plastics with me. My most favorite are the Maniac Salt Sticks in Changeable craw/orange and green pumpkin/pearl fished wacky.[Wink]
1st: Fishing about an 8" plastic worm without a weight set near heavy cover.. toss it in and shake it just alittle before it begins to sink slowly. Raising it up slowly to let it sink again. How do you know if you have a bite? Watch that loose line sitting on top of the water take off and set the hook. Works well in warm and cold temps.

2nd: PopR or Zera Spook during sunset and watching the surface explode.
i like to use the Rapala x-rap purple gold with feather tail
Defiantly a Heddon Zarra Spook.
without a doubt my go-to lure for many fishing situation. toss just about anywhere and do a walk the dog retrieve back to the boat. vary your retrieve until the bass tell u what they want. But i cannot say i have any one lure i use more i just find there are a lot of times where a Spook will catch me a limit during a tournament and then i can focus on upgrading from their

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