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Tangled Elk
[cool][#0000bf]I got a cool email with a story and pics about two bull elk that got their horns tangled during the rut. I put it together on the attached PDF file. Thought some of our elk-lovers might enjoy seeing this.[/#0000bf]
If you drive out to 3200 west 10600 south & go south about 200 yd. on 3200 west, you'll see a whole forest of elk antlers sticking up in a fenced in area. There are some real trophy racks in there & it's not at all unusual this time of year to see them get to sparring pretty seriously. On more than one occasion I've seen a couple of them get locked together. They are pretty tame but still I don't know how the guy that owns them gets them apart 'cause I've never noticed any cutoff horns or tines. We go over there frequently 'cause we have twin 3 yr. old grandsons that just love to go see the "wapitis".
[cool][#0000ff]Considering the size and shape of elk antlers...and how ferocious they get when is probably surprising that there are not more of them that end up hopelessly tangled.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]As a kid in Idaho I tagged along with my dad and other relatives on deer hunts. I remember that we found several sets of locked antlers (with skulls) over the years, but we never took them out of the mountains. We were always looking for live deer and not dead elk...or horns. Times have changed.[/#0000ff]

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