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Elk Hunting Question
First, I must admit that I have never been Elk nor Deer hunting in my life. I do enjoy watching the programs on TV and reading stories on here and am going to get myself into it next year. My question is, how do I go about getting started to put in for an Elk (bull) tag? My brother-in-law and his Uncle are "hitting me up" trying to find out info on how they can come out here to Utah and hunt an Elk. I know you have to put in for a "draw" and most people dont get picked, but how does that all work? Do you pay to put in? If you do pay and dont get drawn do you lose your money or do you get a cow tag? Of course we would love to draw a Bull tag but a cow would be good too. Can you just pick up a cow tag at Wal-Mart? Any helpful info/advice would be great!!! I know some of these questions may have been "dumb" to the avid hunter and feel free to make fun (cause we all know I do on the fishing board), but again any help would be great.
You can put in for a limited entry bull and if you want to put in for a cow that is also available after the bull drawing it costs 10 dollars to put in but dont have to pay the total unless you draw. If you dont draw you have the opportunity to buy an archery elk, anybull with rifle or muzzleloader, or you can buy a spike elk tag that is available in either also.
most le tag limmited entry. take from 7 to 14 yrs to draw. some get lucky and draw sooner. get moore info from them on what they want. to hunt or to chase the big bulls. but if its just to come hunt open bull tags are over the counter as well as spike tags. ken
Long answered question. Many parts to it.
1st you can buy an OTC bull elk tag for any bull or spike.
You can't buy OTC cow tags unless you buy a landowner tag and they are $$$.
2nd, the application period is in january for LE elk. You can expect 8 to 10 years to draw a tag that way.
3rd, if you apply for a tag in the draw, you must buy a hunting license first(non-refundable) even if you don't draw.
4th, if you are just after meat, the antlerless application is in june for cow elk, doe deer, ad the like. Those hunts are usually much easier to fill your tags. If you want to go that route, wait till may and hit me up. I will point you in the right direction for areas to apply.
The general elk hunt(rifle, archery, muzzy) is sometimes very frustrating for lack of opportunity on public land. Usually less than 12% success statewide. The antlerless tags are probably closer to 70% success on the right units.
Hope that helps to get you started.
P.S. Deseret has given out cow tags for $500 in the last couple years. I have not heard of it this year but keep your eyes on KSL and the paper for available tags.[cool]
You didn't say what type of hunt you were after, if it's archery you can buy your tags over the counter with no quota on number of tags issued for the archery elk. There are certain areas where you can only harvest a spike or cow and other areas where branch antlered bulls are legal. If you do your research you have a pretty good chance of killing a cow or a spike, the branch antlered bull areas generally see more hunting pressure and can be a little more difficult. Cow tag applications are normally due by the end of June and also come under a point system, you can usually draw one of these after 1 to 2 years of applying depending on area or CWMU hunt you apply for. The bow hunt is a great hunt but its early, this year I believe it started on Aug. 16th and lasts for a couple weeks, but there are also some areas in what are called extended hunt areas that allow you to hunt longer, some as late as Dec. I think.[cool]
Thanks for all the helpful info guys. I did forget to mention that we would be hunting with a rifle, so I am sure the season is different. I also forgot to mention that my brother-in-law lives in Nebraska and his Unlce lives in California, so they are non-resident. Will that make things a little more difficult? I know it will cost more, but does it help to get a bull tag???
One other thing, anyone born after 1965 (I think) will have to show proof of hunters safety.[cool]

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