12-06-2008, 03:54 AM
For tose of us archers who like to be able to hunt where ever you want, the joy is over. Thanks to our corrupt system our statewide archery hunts are now a thing of the past. More of the details are on the DWR forum if you want to read more about it. The dumbest thing of it all is that the people down south claim there is to much overcrowding going on so they want you to chose a season. Ok they got that done. But now you can all pick the south region because THERE IS NO CAP ON TAGS! Now what sence does that make?? From what I understand 3 of the 5 RAC's didn't want to change but some one else knows best I guess.
Sad to say but Utah is becoming a terrible sate for archers.
Sad to say but Utah is becoming a terrible sate for archers.