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Strawberry Hybrid
I am convinced that cutbows (pound for pound) are some of the hardest fighting fish in freshwater. That's one of the reasons that I love fishing at Henry's (the Lake and the Fork). I have also caught cutbows on the Green and they put other fish of similar size to shame. I did not know that they had any in Strawberry. Here's a picture of my first at the Berry. He pulled out more line that many bigger cutts I have run into up there.

For the record, he taped out at 22 inches. Given some of the recent posts on this forum, I will not comment on weight, although he definitely had good girth and big shoulders.

Has anyone else caught hybrids up there? Has the DWR stocked them?
good looking fish... I agree with you about their fight
I have to totally agree with you on the cuttbows! I have caught several at the berry and they fight harder than the cutts. I got one coming out of the narrows trolling and man that fish was taking line like crazy. For a while there i thought i had something over 10lbs easy the way it was taking line.It turned out to be a cuttbow about 3lbs.
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]What is the exact way of determining the difference between a "cuttbow" and a 'bow? That looks like healthy nice 'bow to me.[/#000000][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]I would also like to know how these "hybrids" are being produced at the Berry? I thought all the 'bows the DWR throws in there are sterile.
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]Either way it is a fine fish you are holding. [/#000000][/font]
I too am convinced that cuttbows fight harder than any other trout I have caught in a lake. There is a lake in California I use to catch lots of cuttbows and rainbows, and I could tell the difference in how much better the cuttbows fought.
I am not a biologist, but the way I can generally tell (other than the much better fight from the cutbows) is from a couple of characteristics:

1) The light cutthroat slash under the jaw, not typically as bright or pronounced as the slash on a pure strain cutthroat.

2) Rainbow-type coloration on the body of the fish, but with slightly different spots. Rainbow spots are typically fine, round, concentrated toward the head and often have similar concentrations above and below the lateral line. Cutthroat spots (with the exception of the Snake River Fine Spotted strain and a couple of rare strains) are generally larger, less round, more sparse, and are concentrated above the lateral line. This is particularly true of Yellowstone and Bear Lake Cutts and does not hold as true for some Bonneville Cutts I have caught.

The fish I posted exhibited a red slash under the jaw and the spotting was a cross between cutthroat and rainbow spots. You can see how the spots are irregularly shaped (more like a cutt), but are less sparse than most cutts. It also had some orange/yellow coloration on the fins which is not typical for the hatchery bows at Strawberry (they usually have grayish fins)

I suppose that the most reliable way to tell is if it looks kind of like a rainbow, but has a cutthroat slash.

These are just my observations and given the diversity of the different cutthroat strains, cuttbows can look very different depending on where you catch them. For example, the hybrids in Henry's Lake look more like a cutthroat than the picture that I posted. However, the hybrids I have caught on the Green look more like a rainbow. I will see if I can find pictures of ones I have caught on the Green or at Henry's or maybe others will chime in with pics/comments of their own.
[quote MI_Steelheader]I am convinced that cutbows (pound for pound) are some of the hardest fighting fish in freshwater. That's one of the reasons that I love fishing at Henry's (the Lake and the Fork). I have also caught cutbows on the Green and they put other fish of similar size to shame. I did not know that they had any in Strawberry. Here's a picture of my first at the Berry. He pulled out more line that many bigger cutts I have run into up there.

For the record, he taped out at 22 inches. Given some of the recent posts on this forum, I will not comment on weight, although he definitely had good girth and big shoulders.

Has anyone else caught hybrids up there? Has the DWR stocked them?[/quote]

Your love of cuttbows is all fine and dandy...BUT, you are holding a dandy rainbow!

The UDWR does NOT stock cuttbows and the rainbows stocked in Strawberry are not fertile--they are triploid.

Rainbows will often have slashes under the jaw just as cutts--just not as marked.

According to Roger Wilson: "Most anglers that have caught a lot of rainbows know that if you look at the size of the scales, the head shape, the spotting on the head those are great characteristics for rainbow. We need to educate people that if you have white tipped anal and pelvic fins that is a rainbow. I see a lot of anglers at Strawberry calling fish hybrids that are not."
Seems like we have about 100 of these posts every year.

First of all, that fish is awesome! The stripe and color is amazing, and it is definitely a trophy of a lifetime.


It's a RAINBOW. Pure, Sterile, RAINBOW TROUT

The reason that the rainbows fight so hard is because they waste no energy whatsoever on spawning. Their main concentration is feeding on anything in site. They get stronger and bigger than non-sterile fish. That's also why the Tiger trout fight so hard and get so big.
Sorry to burst your bubble but it is a rainbow, and thats a fact.
[quote MI_Steelheader]

I suppose that the most reliable way to tell is if it looks kind of like a rainbow, but has a cutthroat slash.


That's actually a very poor way to identify a rainbow vs. cutthroat. Many pure strain rainbow trout have the slashes on their throats.

Spotting patterns, fin coloration, hyoidal or basibranchial teeth, etc are characteristics that should be looked at when trying to identify a rainbow vs. a cutt.

Your fish in the picture is a nice fish. It's a rainbow, not a hybrid.

Spots on the head, between the eyes. (cutts rarely have spots between the eyes)
Pink fins with white stripe (cutts dont' have pink fins with white stripes)

again, nice fish. But it's not a hybrid. It's just a nice rainbow trout.
that is not a cutbow. the berry in 1970,s had awsome cutbows... my first fish at age 6 was a 5 pound cutbow from mudd creek. on the opening day of fishing in a hail strom. he wrapped up 2 other lines while i fought to bring him in on my litle zebco. your holding a dandy bow!!!
Thats a nice lookin was the ice or lack ther of?
I talked to a guy that said there was ice forming around the visitor center in the morning and than it was melted on his way home i would guess some of the bays will be froze the weekend of x-mas and the main bay the first of the year
I agree that Hybrids are great fighters, but I think the reason they are in Idaho is they are a Cutthroat Kamloop mix.
I have posted what a Kamloop is at the bottom of this post.
But I don't know if I can say what is the strongest fighter. I think it is more on the time of year too.
I do think that Strawberry's fish are some of the strongest and I have been spooled several times on Henry's.

I was also going to mention there are no Hybrids in Strawberry, but guys that know far more than I do have already covered that.

I do know the difference from Henry's however:

HYBRID: Silvery colored

[Image: avatar150.jpg]

Yellowstone Cutthroat: Brown and Green, almost looks like a BROWN:

[Image: 48908131.jpg]

Kamloop Trout

The Kamloops Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss kamloops) was introduced to California in June 1950. 1,000 yearlings brought in from British Columbia were released in Shasta Lake by certain sportsmen out of Redding, CA. Since then, they have been introduced within other lakes of the Sierras such as Crowley Lake. It is the largest non-migratory Rainbow Trout. Kamloops prefer stillwater lakes and will spawn within the tributaries of the lakes during the Spring. Spawning takes place when the fish are 3-4 years old. Males will fertilize the eggs at the same time the female releases them in loose gravel areas of the stream. Generally, the adults die after spawning. They can survive a large range of temperature but prefer clear, clean water. Kamloops will eat leeches, snails, crustaceans, and worms. They prefer to feed on the bottom in the weedbeds. The name of Kamloops came from the area in which they were discovered in 1812, Fort Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada

Distinguishing Characteristics
The younger Kamloops can be recognized by a distinctly forked tail. This trait becomes less evident as the fish ages. They have small v-shaped spots over their body except the belly and the head. A few round spots might be seen at the top of the head and behind the eyes. The body is generally silver with a bluish or green tinge on the back and silvery sides and belly. The body type is generally streamlined. The heads are longer and wider than other types of Rainbows.
Kamloops Trout
by Ron Newman
Is there really a "Kamloops Trout"? A trout that is distinct and different from other Rainbow Trout? Surprisingly the answer is both yes and no. Since this seems a contradictory answer, it will require a quick look into the history of the Kamloops Trout to discover why.
Fort Kamloops was established in 1812. Soon, the early residents had time to try some angling in the local lakes. Virtually all the smaller upland lakes were barren and only the larger mainstream lakes had resident fish.
Over the next 80 years, stories began to be whispered about the trout being caught in the southern interior of British Columbia. These stories grew and told about a trout that had more stamina and strength than other Rainbow Trout and grew to a very large size. It also looked somewhat different than the familiar Rainbows.
Finally in 1892, samples of this fish were sent to a Dr. Jordan at Stanford University. This was before the days of refrigeration and rapid transit so I expect the fish arrived somewhat ripe. However, Dr. Jordan went about the smelly task of identifying the fish and found that indeed the fish were physically different from the Rainbow Trout scientifically named Salmo gairdneri at that time (they are now named Oncorhynchus mykiss).
These western Canadian fish averaged 150 to 154 rows of scales. That was significantly higher than the scale rows of Salmo gairdneri. It also had fewer gill rakers (those finger-like projections on the inside of the gills which filter out debris), fewer rays or bones in the dorsal and anal fins, and fewer branchiostegal rays (those indented lines under each of the jaws).
Proportionally, the head of these trout was wider and longer than Salmo gairdneri. The maxillary process and the length of the fins were also longer. The underside fins were a brighter orange, more like a Brook Trout, and the camouflage spots were more distinct than on other Rainbow Trout.
Armed with these physical differences and the stories of their stamina, strength, and size, Dr. Jordan believed he had a new species of trout. He gave it the scientific name Salmo kamloops or Kamloops Trout. With an official name, the legend of the Kamloops Trout had begun.
Over the next 30 years, a couple of small fish hatcheries were established, some of the smaller lakes were stocked with Kamloops Trout and a commercial fishery was even started on the larger lakes in the area. Lakes such as Kamloops, Kootenay and Shuswap Lakes were producing fish that averaged about ten pounds. And there were stories of fish from 30 to 55 pounds, such as the big one from Jewel Lake. Fly fishers started to fish the newly stocked but smaller lakes. Kamloops Trout of 15 to 18 pounds were being caught from lakes after the third year of stocking. Salmo kamloops was becoming known to wealthy anglers around the world.
Then in 1931 a Dr. Mottley began to study the Kamloops Trout. He discovered that the differences in Salmo Gairdneri and Salmo Kamloops were due to environmental conditions rather than genetic differences. He had found that the spawning streams in south central British Columbia were about 9 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than most spawning streams around the world.
He conducted an experiment in which Kamloops Trout eggs from the same fish were hatched and raised in two different environments. One set of eggs were hatched and raised at the normal stream temperatures around Kamloops and the second set were hatched and raised in waters 9 degrees warmer than would normally be expected in the local spawning streams. Those fish raised in the warmer water did not develop the extra scale rows and other physical differences of Salmo Kamloops. He had raised both types of fish from the same batch of eggs and thus proven that Salmo Gairdneri and Salmo Kamloops were indeed the same fish. The differences were environmental rather than genetic.
In subsequent work, Dr. Mottley also found a few other quirks of the Kamloops Trout that are of interest to the angler. The cool spring time and hot summers played a part in the development of these fish. Water temperatures remained cool, like alpine streams, during the critical phases of development, which are the egg, alevin and fry. This cool water was responsible for the physical differences in the fish. During the hot summer the water warmed sufficiently to provide vast quantities of food for the growing trout. This helped to explain the strength, stamina and size differences. Mottley even found that the physical characteristics of the Kamloops Trout changed with the elevation of the lake in which they were raised. Also, attempts to stock Kamloops Trout in other locations have all met with failure unless the environmental conditions are virtually the same as in southern British Columbia.
Shortly after Dr. Mottleys work was confirmed the scientific community removed Salmo Kamloops from its official registry of fish species. Officially the Kamloops Trout ceased to exist. And yet those fish with that extra strength and stamina, those extra rows of scales, the fin and camouflage spot differences and larger size are still in the lakes of south central British Columbia. So in answer to our original question, "YES" there is a Kamloops Trout that is distinct and different from other Rainbow Trout in terms of its fighting ability and physical characteristics. But "NO" it is not genetically different from the more familiar Rainbow Trout. It is a product of the local environment and cannot be exported.
As a final note to avoid any misunderstanding for those who may be coming to British Columbia to fish Kamloops Trout for the first time. These trout no longer average 10 pounds. Kamloops Trout in the five to 10 pound range are still caught but over the years most of our lakes have been over stocked at one time or another. This has significantly reduced the amount of available food in the lakes and thus reduced the average size and fast growth rates of the Kamloops Trout. In addition, some lakes that have historically been prime producers of large Kamloops Trout are now classified as "Put-And-Take" lakes and are still being over stocked.
Today you can expect about one fish in a hundred to be five pounds or over (depending on lake, etc) and another 23% of your catch should be in the two to five pound range. A two pound fish will average about 18 inches in length.
Here's a pic of the Kamloops in case anyone is interested. One of the hardest fighting fish I have ever caught.

[inline kamloops.JPG]
Nice fish but definitely a rainbow.
See page 47 of the proclamation for a detailed description of how to tell the difference. As has been stated by others, Bear Lake strain cutts often lack the slash and rainbows may have it. The best way to tell is the pelvic and anal fin colors.
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]I too would like to comment that on more occassions than I can count, my rainbows from the Gorge have had a red "slash" on the underjaw. Sometimes very light, others very pronounced.[/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000][/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]You ought to go catch you a big 24 inch 'bow from the Gorge and see how beautiful the colors are. And see the spot pattern with the red line. [/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000][/#000000][/font]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]During the cold months they fight extremely hard. Just try to put one in the net off the boat. If I had one big dream fish to catch before my days are gone it would be a 'bow of 20 lbs. or more. [fishin][/#000000][/font]
(quote)If I had one big dream fish to catch before my days are gone it would be a 'bow of 20 lbs. or more.

mine was that Hybrid.[cool]
What about the 20lb BROWNS in the Gorge??? That's my dream [cool]
[font "Times New Roman"][#000000]You'd better adjust your dream, [Wink] I wouldn't be surprised if there were a few browns over 40 lbs. in there.[/#000000][/font]
I think you're right, but I was just being a little more realistic about it. I bet there are more than a few state records in the Gorge.

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