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meal worms or wax worms?
Which is better for trout fishing meal worms or wax worms? Is one more hardy at survival between fishing trips?
Do cutts or rainbows seem to have a preference for one over the other at the berry?
I've caught trout on both, but my luck seems to be a little better with the wax worms.
Agreed. Wax worms seem to work a bit better.
I like to use wax worms most of the time. When fishing with others I usually buy wax worms and who ever I fish with gets meal worms. That way if the fish do turn picky that day we are covered.
Wax worms are much better in my opinion. 10-1 catch rate or better with waxies.
Wax worms seem to be preferred as far as what has worked for me.
For a day I will have, waxies, mealies and regular worms. Plus a bag of self caught minnows.
I agree with the others, Wax Worms. But meal worms will occasionally work.
My experience is that for panfish and smaller trout that wax worms work the best. For larger trout (Strawberry for example) I have better luck with meal worms. Meal worms are far easier for me to keep alive than wax worms. I have kept meal worms for months without doing anything with them other than keeping them in my bait refrigerator. They are also far less sensitive to being frozen while I fish. I don't have nearly the same success keeping wax worms alive.

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