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Strawberry 1-24 - 1-25
Headed up to Strawberry saturday in the rainstorm only to arrive to a slushed over blizzard. Hit the ice at around 3:30. Headed southwest from marina. We fished from 15' to 50' without even marking a fish. At 8:00 we discussed our next game plan, we decided to head straight south to the opposite bank during the next break in the strom.

Around 9:00 we took our chance and made the dash. Set up in 22' - 24' of water. Fished until 10:30 before even marking a fish. At 10:30 fish moved in and we started encountering little bites. after a few minutes of playing around I set the hook on a nice 20" cutt. Soon after I marked a fish a couple feet off the bottom and reeled up to meet him. As soon as my jig left the bottom fish on! I immediately released the 20" fish and dropped down right behind him. As soon as my jig came within 5' of the bottom I had a bite; another slot cutt. Nate My fishing buddy couldn't believe I had pulled three fish through the ice before he could tie on jig...

After those quick three the storm turned back on and the fishing died. Nate and I managed one fish a piece over the next two hours before throwing in the towel. We had a great time considering the three hour drive it took to get back to Pleasant Grove. My four fish were caught on a 3.5" Radical Glow tube in Chartreuse/Natural Green with a piece of chub meat. Nates fish bit the same 2.25" setup.

Also the boat ramp at the marina is pretty beat up. Deep slush with snow. Some fourwheelers were really struggling to make it up.
Nice report. To bad you didn't catch more fish.Im heading up the 7th of Feb hope the ices holds up[cool] and we get a deep freeze again.
WEll you guys caught some fish and made it home in one piece that makes the day great. I hope it freezes over because i would like to hit the berry ice fishing at least once this year. By the w nice pics!

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