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Behavior of minnows in winter
This question comes about because of some of my recent observations with my new marcum flasher. I have been to the berry a couple of times with my flasher when I was sure that some of the markings were following my bait, but I never caught them (I was using a fairly large hook). My hook was certainly too large for a minnow to take it. I saw some markings that had about the same color as my lure follow it up a few times. When I did catch a fish, it showed up as a thick red mark. Whenever I have thrown out the minnow trap in the late fall (as the water cools off) I have not had much luck catching them. I have caught a huge (5 inch) common lake chub minnow one time while ice fishing on a city pond.

So could minnows have been following my lure? What exactly are minnows up to in winter time? Has anyone seen them on an underwater camera in the winter?

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