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well we did it[Smile]-hit Hebgen on Saturday. We arrived around 7:30am. Fish hit right off so we thought we were in for a busy day[cool]!-not quite. It was defintaley a quality day-not quantity. Only 4 fish under 16", we kept 8 between two of us (limit is 5). The cutbow hybrids were fat and happy but the rainbows were long and skinny. I kept 2 bows that were 18 and 19" but fairly thin. We had 4 hybrids that were all fat. We missed at least 10 and landed another 8-9. Pink was the only color producing consistant-tipped with nightcrawler. Fished 2-3 cranks off the bottom. Dead stick for 20 min then drop to the bottom and reel in the 2-3 cranks. This technique seemed to produce a bite most of the time. What a beautiful canyon! We only had one other group of locals on the lake with us-we fished by the dam. Water depth was between 16-18ft. Desk top computer is giving me fits so can't post the pics right now-I'll try again in the morning. So-again if your looking for no crowds and quality over quantity-Hebgen might be the place!
I going to have to give it a try. What does an out of state fishing license cost for a day? Can't wait to see the pics.
out of state is $25-2 day min. Annual is $80 but MT is from Feb-Feb so if your thinking annual wait a few weeks. I'll try to get those pics posted tonight.

[Smile] Hey Ironrod I had posted a reply to your first post asking the size of your fish caught on Hebgen and then found this second post, olease disregard my first inquiry. Thanks for the info and pics. I really enjoyed them. Had always been curious about what Hebgen was like.


I ice fish not because I like the cold, but because its the only time I can impress my wife, by walking on water.

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