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Palisades fishing report
PaliSades is great. My inlaws live 45 minutes from it but I've never fished it what a mistake. I started fishing right at first light. I fished the first plowed road that headed down to the water after alpine. I was only fishing in about 22 feet of water. I was really shocked when I realed in a couple of 8 pound macs. I also lost several other macs and caught four 16-18 inch cuts. What a great day. The macs hit glow tubes tipped with chub meat. Cuts hit power bait 18 inches above the jig. I'll try an attach a pic. Never done it before so appologies if it doesn't work.
[cool] Congrats fishjon! AWESOME. Were you on the Wyoming side of the state line or Idaho? Love to come try for a big one too. The macs must be crusing the shallows looking for minnows to chow down on .


I like to ice fish not because I like the cold, but because it is the only time of year I can impress my wife, by walking on water.
Great job, nice pic. I have never had much luck at paliSades. Guess I need to give it a chance again.

Please check the picture rules at the top of the forum. In order to make the board function properly all pictures must be small so that they upload quickly. It is easy and only takes a couple secondes to resize them.

i have been trying to get someone to get up there with me this year but no one wants to go for the drive. with fish like that i will have to go alone i guesse. i would like to know were you were fishing if you have any idea.
Nice Job!! I have never fished it and I can't explain why, it's really not that far away. Looks like they cooperated for you. Maybe I'll venture out there this week.
Congrats on the Macs; this may be the best mack ice report I have ever read relating to PaliSades. PaliSades is a great place to fish!

Hey Guys,
Thanks for replying to my post. As to were I was fishing. If you leave alpine and drive along the lake I fished the first pullout that there is. It is actually a plowed road that heads down to the lake. It looked like a small creek entered the resivour there as well but it is hard to tell with all of the snow. I tried to guess were the creek channel was 100 yards out in the lake and that is were I drilled my holes. I was deffinetly on the Idaho side of the lake. I do thinks the macs were cruising the shallows looking for minnows and such. I was rubbing my tube jigs in the slime on the cutthroats and it deffinetly seemed to stimulate the bight. My guess they were in there chasing the smaller cutties. A word of caution. The edges were soooo soft. There was plenty of ice on the main lake, but I had to tredge through knee deep slush with two feet of snow on top of that for 10-15 yards before I hit solid ice. I was soking wet. Luckly I had a tent and a big mr heater cause it was down around 0 degrees. Nest time I'll bring waders and change into my snow packs after I cross to the solid ice. Good luck everbody.
PS I'll do better on the pics from now on. I'll try and fix this one but my inlaws only have dialup so slow so it might have to wait until tommorow.
Thanks for the informative report fishjon......looks as if you had a good time!
No problem on the pics. If we all downsize our pics properly then the people with dial-up can see the pics as well.

Nice report, sounds like you were fishing Indian Creek. Any slush on the main lake. How thick was the ice. We used to fish the hot springs across the lake and always did pretty well.
There was about 2 inches of soft slush below 8" of snow on the ice. The ice is very thick 18- 20 inches but more than half is the soft frozen slush. There were snowmobile tracks everywhere.

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