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MadBomber, RiverPark, Bass, 2-26-09, Fat Albert
<br /> While Al was putting his rod and Walmart sack in the boat before we launched, he said, "What is that smell?" I said it must be coming from BASF. He said, "no, that's a skunk!". After he went nearly the whole trip before he finally caught his limit, I told him that maybe that odor was prophetic!<br /> We put in around 10:30 and went up to the Barge tieups near the RR bridge. I caught my nice little smallie in about the first dozen casts on a pumpkinseed Fat Albert grub. I told Al that I was happy and ready to go home and get a cup of hot coffee, but no!, we had to fish until nearly 1:00 so FA could get the skunk off of him. He did catch a nice chunky spot, even though he was fishing on the wrong side of the boat. We quit at 1:30.<br /> A great few hours with a great friend!!<br /> <br />

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