04-24-2009, 02:00 PM
Spring black sea bass fishing on New Jersey's artificial reefs can be fast and furious. Having a successful day depends on many factors, including an appropriate angling method and finding a good anchoring location.
NJ DEP Div. of Fish and Wildlife biologist and Artificial Reef Program Coordinator Hugh Carberry and retired Technician Jeff Carlson cover those factors and much more in the feature article, "Reef Tactics for Black Sea Bass", now available on the division's website at http://www.njfishandwildlife.com/artreeftactics09.htm
NJ DEP Div. of Fish and Wildlife biologist and Artificial Reef Program Coordinator Hugh Carberry and retired Technician Jeff Carlson cover those factors and much more in the feature article, "Reef Tactics for Black Sea Bass", now available on the division's website at http://www.njfishandwildlife.com/artreeftactics09.htm