04-28-2009, 09:00 AM
Patrick and I headed towards the grass downlake where I had some success last week. I caught a 4lber and a 3 lber in the first 45 minutes on a Strike King Red-Eyed Shad. Lost two more close to the boat. I was afraid they would cost us and they did. The wind died and so did the bite. We ran to a couple of other places and caught a bunch of shorts. Fished Bennett's Lake for the first time. Alot of boats in there but I didn't see anyone catching anything. The wind picked back up so we ran to our first stop where Patrick put our third keeper in the boat. We decided to try to limit out on spots so we ran to the I-24 bridge area where Patrick layed into a big one on a worm that wrapped him around some debris and came off. I caught our fourth and last keeper 20 minutes before the tournament ended. We ended up weighing in almost 12 lbs for 4 fish. Decent fishing day but had excellent company. Thanks for filling the backseat Dropshot. We'll do it again.