06-30-2009, 09:00 AM
I got a chance to get out the other day and fish for an hour or two. I put in at charleston boat dock and headed up river to some deep drops. I fished a 10in worm C-rig and a black and blue lizard T-rig to no avail. Then I went back to beaten the bank just like always. Throwing deep cranks and spinner baits. The last 45 mins of day light I started throwing a rage toad and had two blow up on it and I missed both. I think I'm rigging it wrong. Anyone with help on this. I had it rigged through the nose out the top then through the back with it skin hooked in the belly. Anyways I caught zero bass the two hours on the water but I caught something else. When I was throwing my SB along some rock I got to close and snagged some poison ivy. I knew what it was but I went in to retreive my $7 dollar SB anyways. I got it untangled and the boat away from the bank and began to rinse my lure off in the water and try to wash my hands off also. Thought it would be ok no worries and went back to fishing. Well now my right forearm is covered in it and a spot behind my ear. emoBang I am going to a walk in clinic this afternoon for a shot of steroids to stop the spread because I have a 2year old little girls and a 2month old little girl at home. I will have a $25 dollar co-pay for insurance. So the moral of the story is cut you line and go buy 3 more spinner baits. Hey you live and you learn.