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JDK, chick, bass, 7/12, solo
<br /> late report but got out for few hours Sunday afternoon and around 2 oclcock got on a school of fish on a creek mouth and for 45 mins chased them around catching one after another with having 2 doubles on a Pop R.. most fish were right at 14 to 15 " but a lot of fun.. Fished deep rest of afternoon with not much success but then again around 8 got on some schoolers on a different creek mouth and these ones were better size.. Surprise of the day was a nice 17 inch smallie in the middle of all the schooling largemouth... Was a pretty bronze color.. About 830 the schooling stopped and i switched to a 10 inch zoom worm and couldnt draw a bite so then tied on a big yum worm and man it was on caught fish on 8 straight casts topped off with a nice 18 inch 3 1/2 lb largemouth..Not sure what it was but they wouldnt sniff the zoom worm and just killed the yum 11" worm in watermelon.. Bite died right at dark and hauled butt home.. all fish were caught on the mouth of major creeks and most were schooled up busting shad.. Was a lot of fun probably caught close to 40 fish best day for numbers i have had all year.. many cast I threw my pop-r in and didnt even have to move it and had a fish on.. Lots of times they would knock the bait plum out of the water and miss it 3 or 4 times before taking it down...I would say this pattern will hold up for a while on major creek mouths.. size might not be there but numbers sure will be.. <br />

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