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huntington creek
im goin to ferron on thursday and im goin to hit up huntington creek. where is a good spot to go and whats good to use? i have never fished it before and im bringing my farther-in-law for his first time fly fishing. i appreciate any info that i can get. good fishing to all
I fish hunington quite a bit ,fish the first 2 to 3 miles below the dam(electric lake)size # 12 to#14 stimulators! you will slay fish, its kind of stealth fishing,but it is a blast. you can go dropper,but this time of year i dont bother,Fish riffles drop offs,pretty much anywhere as before mentioned below dam. no hogs,but a ton of fish in the 10 to 15 in. zone.use no more than a #4 wt. good luck! (caddis beetles and ants are always a good option )
thanks for the info. i will be fishing it friday morning. i also heard that stone flys r good too. have u tried them? what about hoppers? r they hot there right now?
Hoppers and parachute adams are the ticket.
stimulators mimic stoneflies and hoppers,so you are both correct!And by the way schlitz, from one cornhusker to another, GO SKERZ!(your big 12 2009 champ) Bigfraz
Husker Nation is never far away. GO BIG RED!

Make sure and to take your favorite bug spray as the biting flies were out in force last trip!!!

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